Hjertelig velkommen til den danske Wiktionary, ContraVentum! Jeg håber du vil få en god tid her på projektet. Jeg vil gerne introducere dig til nogle gængse metoder og projektet generelt. Wiktionary er en flersproget ordbog (og indeholder derfor både danske og udenlandske ord) som alle kan bidrage til, og som derfor er i konstant udvikling. Indholdet er frit tilgængeligt for alle. Wiktionary redigeres efter samme metode som Wikipedia, men der er nogle grundlæggende forskelle:
En artikel på Wiktionary (f.eks. hund) oplyser typisk om ordets sprog, etymologi, ordklasse og køn (for substantiver). Desuden gives en definition, et eksempel og oversættelser til andre sprog. Artiklerne opbygges vha. skabeloner, som der foreligger en forklaring på i Wiktionary:Skabeloner. Et godt sted at begynde redigeringen af Wiktionary er på skribentforsiden. Hvis du har brug for at spørge om noget, er du meget velkommen til at henvende dig på landsbybrønden eller spørge mig på min diskussionsside. Endnu en gang: velkommen til! Med venlig hilsen- Sarrus (d • b) d. 10. jul 2013, 14:00 (UTC) |
Skabelon:en-verb-infl to include the CORRECT conjugations. English is my native language, I think I know better than to leave an important form out of the list. Sorry, but if we want this Wiktionary to be accurate, we should include the third person singular present indicative form of verbs. NativeCat (diskussion) 10. jan 2015, 17:02 (UTC)
The thing is, before, I made a lot of edits before that were incorrect because I had mistakenly thought I was good at Danish because I was better than anyone else in my American community. I knew a lot of words and such, but I've always actually wanted to learn to speak Danish the correct and fluent way. Do you know of any way I can do this without actually visiting Denmark? Because I unfortunately cannot visit for monetary reasons. NativeCat (diskussion) 30. mar 2015, 16:57 (UTC)
Dear ContraVentum,
we are initiating a long needed action - we would like to translate names of all Wikimedia languages to all Wikimedia languages in the next two months. We have noticed that you are very active on Wiktionary and that is the reason why we are taking liberty to contact you.
We hope that you would be interesting to help us in our endeavor - To make this action easier we have already prepared the list of all Wikimedia languages, and for each language we have already prepared the page with existing and missing translations. So when you go to the page for your language you would have two tasks - to check whether existing translations are OK and to fill in the missing one. The more detailed instruction are on the language page.
What are the benefits of this work?
We are gathered around the project Wiktionary Meets Matica Srpska and we hope that you would be interesting in working with us! If you have any questions you can ask them on the Names of Wikimedia languages discussion page or via personal emails.
Important notice: The data are licensed under CC0, as they should be incorporated into Wikidata at the end of the process.
If you don’t want to receive future announcement about the project, please leave a note on discussion page.
Thank you and looking forward to hear from you!
Interglider.org team