
Hej, du er kommet her for at finde betydningen af ordet Brugerdiskussion:Malafaya. I DICTIOUS finder du ikke kun alle ordbogens betydninger af ordet Brugerdiskussion:Malafaya, men du lærer også om dets etymologi, dets karakteristika og hvordan man siger Brugerdiskussion:Malafaya i ental og flertal. Alt, hvad du har brug for at vide om ordet Brugerdiskussion:Malafaya, er her. Definitionen af ordet Brugerdiskussion:Malafaya vil hjælpe dig med at være mere præcis og korrekt, når du taler eller skriver dine tekster. Når du kender definitionen afBrugerdiskussion:Malafaya og definitionen af andre ord, beriger du dit ordforråd og får flere og bedre sproglige ressourcer.
Hjertelig velkommen til den danske Wiktionary, Malafaya!

Jeg håber du vil få en god tid her på projektet. Jeg vil gerne introducere dig til nogle gængse metoder og projektet generelt. Wiktionary er en flersproget ordbog (og indeholder derfor både danske og udenlandske ord) som alle kan bidrage til, og som derfor er i konstant udvikling. Indholdet er frit tilgængeligt for alle.

Wiktionary redigeres efter samme metode som Wikipedia, men der er nogle grundlæggende forskelle:

  • Her skelner vi mellem små og store bogstaver
  • Vi bruger ikke flertydig-skabeloner, men nævner derimod alle betydninger af det samme ord i én artikel
  • Når vi linker til Wiktionary på andre sprog, er det altid med den nøjagtig samme bogstavkombination, og altså ikke en oversættelse til det pågældende sprog

En artikel på Wiktionary (f.eks. hund) oplyser typisk om ordets sprog, etymologi, ordklasse og køn (for substantiver). Desuden gives en definition, et eksempel og oversættelser til andre sprog. Artiklerne opbygges vha. skabeloner, som der foreligger en forklaring på i Wiktionary:Skabeloner.

Et godt sted at begynde redigeringen af Wiktionary er på skribentforsiden. Hvis du har brug for at spørge om noget, er du meget velkommen til at henvende dig på landsbybrønden eller spørge mig på min diskussionsside.

Endnu en gang: velkommen til!

Med venlig hilsen Kinamand 9. sep 2009, 07:14 (UTC)


Hej Malafaya. Undlad venligst at spilde tid på at ændre på sorteringen af interwikis. Dels sættes de automatisk af en bot en gang i mellem og dels rette du dem til noget andet end det der er standard så botten vil på et tidspunkt automatisk fører din rettelse tilbage. Kinamand 4. okt 2010, 10:58 (UTC)

Hi, Kinamand. Sorry, I don't speak a word of Danish... Malafaya 4. okt 2010, 15:02 (UTC)
Let's see if I could understand a bit of what you say: if you say that interwikis are automatically managed by a bot, that's partially true. Bots can only guess interwikis in Wiktionaries for articles (pages with same name). With categories, this is not true, and you still have to "guess" them manually. After they are correct in some place, then they are also spread by bots to other projects. When there is a wrong interwiki in a project, then bots can't update them due to ambiguity.
Because these interwikis are not guessed automatically by bots, there are many categories with no interwikis at all.
I hope I have answered your question. Best regards, Malafaya 4. okt 2010, 15:08 (UTC)
In English: Don't waste time on changing the sort order of interwikies. They are put there automatically by a bot and you are changing them to a non-standard sort order so at some point in the future a bot will revert your work. Hope you understand. Kinamand 5. okt 2010, 11:32 (UTC)
Ah, ok. Sorry, it was not my intention to change the sort order to a non-standard way. I just wanted to correct the interwikis which I copied over from other wiktionary. If a bot resorts them, no problem. The ones I corrected will still be there. Malafaya 5. okt 2010, 13:31 (UTC)
Hmmm, actually it seems that some bot (Luckas-bot) has been changing the sort order around, not me :): see http://da.wiktionary.org .
The link above shows that Luckas-bot are doing it correct. Kinamand 5. okt 2010, 15:01 (UTC)
Is it? In that case, it's ArthurBot and VolkovBot (both, the previous editors, and actually all other bots which just kept the same order) which are doing it incorrectly? Did you change the Danish standard for interwikis sort order recently? If so, where can I consult it? It's not that important but I'm just trying to understand why Luckas-bot seems to be the only one to follow that order which is correct apparently. Thanks, Malafaya 5. okt 2010, 21:49 (UTC)
I don't understand why you want to spent time on manually changing something which the bots does automatically. Seem to me to be waste of time. The sort order has not been changed recently. I have not been looking into if all the bots are doing it correct but just now I have tried the "Tilfældig artikel"/"Ramdom article" link and all the article looks like they are sorted like the english wiktionary and not the way you are doing it. Kinamand 6. okt 2010, 08:43 (UTC)
I have been correcting links which were breaking the automatic bot processing. There were 2 different links to the Polish Wiktionary in the interwiki chain. This way, the bots can't update the interwikis automatically because of ambiguity: they will stop processing as soon such ambiguity is found. I know that because I also run an interwiki bot and I recently was getting such errors for the categories I corrected. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother. The reason why the interwikis seem to be different in articles and categories is because articles are managed by User:Interwicket using its custom code, and categories are managed by the standard Pywikipedia framework (except apparently for Luckas-bot who must have tweaked it). I will consult the owner of Interwicket (check here) regarding the specific interwiki sort order here and try to copy it to Pywikipedia, so that articles and categories interwikis order is the same. I hope you have understood. The changes I made were not irrelevant: it was not just sort order. Regards, Malafaya 6. okt 2010, 13:31 (UTC)
Is this it: http://da.wiktionary.org ? I changed the Pywikipedia and the result is the one in this diff. It didn't change the order given by Luckas-bot, so my assumption is that it is ok. Do you agree? I will change the Pywikipedia accordingly so this shouldn't be an issue anymore with category bots. Malafaya 6. okt 2010, 14:53 (UTC)
The link above show that an interwiki link to some arabic language has been added and it looks like it is at the same position as on the english version so I will assume that it is correct. Kinamand 6. okt 2010, 15:10 (UTC)
Yes, that interwiki was exactly what I had added before but with sort order changed. I have commited the changes to the Pywikipedia framework. Standard bots will now be using the "new" English-like sort order. Thanks for your feedback and sorry for any misunderstandings, Malafaya 6. okt 2010, 15:42 (UTC)