
Hallo, Sie haben hier nach der Bedeutung des Wortes Benutzer:MelancholieBot/ gesucht. In DICTIOUS findest du nicht nur alle Wörterbuchbedeutungen des Wortes Benutzer:MelancholieBot/, sondern erfährst auch etwas über seine Etymologie, seine Eigenschaften und wie man Benutzer:MelancholieBot/ in der Einzahl und Mehrzahl ausspricht. Hier finden Sie alles, was Sie über das Wort Benutzer:MelancholieBot/ wissen müssen. Die Definition des Wortes Benutzer:MelancholieBot/ wird Ihnen helfen, beim Sprechen oder Schreiben Ihrer Texte präziser und korrekter zu sein. Wenn Sie die Definition vonBenutzer:MelancholieBot/ und die anderer Wörter kennen, bereichern Sie Ihren Wortschatz und verfügen über mehr und bessere sprachliche Mittel.
# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
Script to check language links for general pages. This works by downloading the
page, and using existing translations plus hints from the command line to
download the equivalent pages from other languages. All of such pages are
downloaded as well and checked for interwiki links recursively until there are
no more links that are encountered. A rationalization process then selects the
right interwiki links, and if this is unambiguous, the interwiki links in the
original page will be automatically updated and the modified page uploaded.

These command-line arguments can be used to specify which pages to work on:


    -days:         Like -years, but runs through all date pages. Stops at
                   Dec 31.  If the argument is given in the form -days:X,
                   it will start at month no. X through Dec 31. If the
                   argument is simply given as -days, it will run from
                   Jan 1 through Dec 31.  E.g. for -days:9 it will run
                   from Sep 1 through Dec 31.

    -years:        run on all year pages in numerical order. Stop at year 2050.
                   If the argument is given in the form -years:XYZ, it
                   will run from ] through ]. If XYZ is a
                   negative value, it is interpreted as a year BC. If the
                   argument is simply given as -years, it will run from 1
                   through 2050.

                   This implies -noredirect.

    -new:          Work on the 100 newest pages. If given as -new:x, will work
                   on the x newest pages.
                   When multiple -namespace parameters are given, x pages are
                   inspected, and only the ones in the selected name spaces are
                   processed. Use -namespace:all for all namespaces. Without
                   -namespace, only article pages are processed.

                   This implies -noredirect.

    -restore:      restore a set of "dumped" pages the robot was working on
                   when it terminated.

    -continue:     like restore, but after having gone through the dumped pages,
                   continue alphabetically starting at the last of the dumped

    -warnfile:     used as -warnfile:filename, reads all warnings from the
                   given file that apply to the home wiki language,
                   and read the rest of the warning as a hint. Then
                   treats all the mentioned pages. A quicker way to
                   implement warnfile suggestions without verifying them
                   against the live wiki is using the

Additionaly, these arguments can be used to restrict the bot to certain pages:

    -namespace:n   Number or name of namespace to process. The parameter can be
                   used multiple times. It works in combination with all other
                   parameters, except for the -start parameter. If you e.g.
                   want to iterate over all categories starting at M, use

    -number:       used as -number:#, specifies that the robot should process
                   that amount of pages and then stop. This is only useful in
                   combination with -start. The default is not to stop.
    -until:        used as -until:title, specifies that the robot should process
                   pages in wiki default sort order up to, and including, "title"
                   and then stop. This is only useful in combination with -start.
                   The default is not to stop.
                   Note: do not specify a namespace, even if -start has one.

    -bracket       only work on pages that have (in the home language) parenthesis
                   in their title. All other pages are skipped.
                   (note: without ending colon)

    -skipfile:     used as -skipfile:filename, skip all links mentioned in
                   the given file. This does not work with -number!

    -skipauto      use to skip all pages that can be translated automatically,
                   like dates, centuries, months, etc. (note: without ending colon)

These arguments are useful to provide hints to the bot:

    -hint:         used as -hint:de:Anweisung to give the robot a hint
                   where to start looking for translations. This is only
                   useful if you specify a single page to work on. If no
                   text is given after the second ':', the name of the page
                   itself is used as the title for the hint, unless the
                   -hintnobracket command line option (see there) is also selected.

                   There are some special hints, trying a number of languages
                   at once:
                       * all:     All languages with at least ca. 100 articles.
                       * 10:      The 10 largest languages (sites with most
                                  articles). Analogous for any other natural
                       * arab:    All languages useing the Arabic alphabet.
                       * cyril:   All languages that use the Cyrillic alphabet.
                       * chinese: All Chinese dialects.
                       * latin:   All languages using the Latin script.
                       * scand:   All Scandinavian languages.

    -hintfile:     similar to -hint, except that hints are taken from the given
                   file, enclosed in ] each, instead of the command line.

    -askhints:     for each page one or more hints are asked. See hint: above
                   for the format, one can for example give "en:something" or
                   "20:" as hint.

    -same          looks over all 'serious' languages for the same title.
                   -same is equivalent to -hint:all:
                   (note: without ending colon)

    -wiktionary:   similar to -same, but will ONLY accept names that are
                   identical to the original. Also, if the title is not
                   capitalized, it will only go through other wikis without
                   automatic capitalization.

    -untranslated: works normally on pages with at least one interlanguage
                   link; asks for hints for pages that have none.

    -untranslatedonly: same as -untranslated, but pages which already have a
                   translation are skipped. Hint: do NOT use this in
                   combination with -start without a -number limit, because
                   you will go through the whole alphabet before any queries
                   are performed!

    -showpage      when asking for hints, show the first bit of the text
                   of the page always, rather than doing so only when being
                   asked for (by typing '?'). Only useful in combination
                   with a hint-asking option like -untranslated, -askhints
                   or -untranslatedonly.
                   (note: without ending colon)

    -noauto        Do not use the automatic translation feature for years and
                   dates, only use found links and hints.
                   (note: without ending colon)

    -hintnobracket used to make the robot strip everything in brackets,
                   and surrounding spaces from the page name, before it is
                   used in a -hint:xy: where the page name has been left out,
                   or -hint:all:, -hint:10:, etc. without a name, or
                   an -askhint reply, where only a language is given.

These arguments define how much user confirmation is required:

    -autonomous    run automatically, do not ask any questions. If a question
                   to an operator is needed, write the name of the page
                   to autonomous_problems.dat and continue on the next page.
                   (note: without ending colon)

    -confirm       ask for confirmation before any page is changed on the
                   live wiki. Without this argument, additions and
                   unambiguous modifications are made without confirmation.
                   (note: without ending colon)

    -force         do not ask permission to make "controversial" changes,
                   like removing a language because none of the found
                   alternatives actually exists.
                   (note: without ending colon)

    -select        ask for each link whether it should be included before
                   changing any page. This is useful if you want to remove
                   invalid interwiki links and if you do multiple hints of
                   which some might be correct and others incorrect. Combining
                   -select and -confirm is possible, but seems like overkill.
                   (note: without ending colon)

These arguments specify in which way the bot should follow interwiki links:

    -noredirect    do not follow redirects. (note: without ending colon)

    -initialredirect  work on its target if a redirect is entered on the
                   command line. (note: without ending colon)

    -neverlink:    used as -neverlink:xx where xx is a language code:
                   Disregard any links found to language xx. You can also
                   specify a list of languages to disregard, separated by

    -ignore:       used as -ignore:xx:aaa where xx is a language code, and
                   aaa is a page title to be ignored.

    -ignorefile:   similar to -ignore, except that the pages are taken from
                   the given file instead of the command line.

    -localright    do not follow interwiki from other pages than the starting
                   page. (Warning! Should be used very sparingly, only when
                   you are sure you have first gotten the interwiki on the
                   starting page exactly right).
                   (note: without ending colon)
    -hintsareright do not follow interwiki links to sites for which hints
                   on existing pages are given. Note that, hints given
                   interactively, via the -askhint command line option,
                   are only effective once they have been entered, thus
                   interwiki links on the starting page are followed
                   regardess of hints given when prompted. 
                   (Warning! Should be used with caution!)
                   (note: without ending colon)

    -back          only work on pages that have no backlink from any other
                   language; if a backlink is found, all work on the page
                   will be halted.  (note: without ending colon)

The following arguments are only important for users who have accounts for
multiple languages, and specify on which sites the bot should modify pages:

    -localonly     only work on the local wiki, not on other wikis in the family
                   I have a login at. (note: without ending colon)

    -limittwo      only update two pages - one in the local wiki (if logged-in)
                   and one in the top available one.
                   For example, if the local page has links to de and fr,
                   this option will make sure that only local and de: (larger)
                   site is updated. This option is useful to quickly set two way
                   links without updating all of wiki's sites.
                   (note: without ending colon)

    -whenneeded    works like limittwo, but other languages are changed in the
                   following cases:
                   * If there are no interwiki at all on the page
                   * If an interwiki must be removed
                   * If an interwiki must be changed and there has been a
                     conflict for this page
                   Optionally, -whenneeded can be given an additional number
                   (for example -whenneeded:3), in which case other languages
                   will be changed if there are that number or more links to
                   change or add. (note: without ending colon)

The following arguments influence how many pages the bot works on at once:
    -array:        The number of pages the bot tries to be working on at once.
                   If the number of pages loaded is lower than this number,
                   a new set of pages is loaded from the starting wiki. The
                   default is 100, but can be changed in the config variable

    -query:        The maximum number of pages that the bot will load at once.
                   Default value is 60.

Some configuration option can be used to change the working of this robot:

interwiki_min_subjects: the minimum amount of subjects that should be processed
                    at the same time.

interwiki_backlink: if set to True, all problems in foreign wikis will
                    be reported

interwiki_shownew:  should display every new link it discovers?

interwiki_graph:    output a graph PNG file on conflicts? You need pydot for

interwiki_graph_format: the file format for interwiki graphs

without_interwiki:  save file with local articles without interwikis

All these options can be changed through the configuration file.

If is terminated before it is finished, it will write a dump file
to the interwiki-dumps subdirectory. The program will read it if invoked with
the "-restore" or "-continue" option, and finish all the subjects in that list.
To run the interwiki-bot on all pages on a language, run it with option
"-start:!", and if it takes so long you have to break it off, use "-continue"
next time.
# (C) Rob W.W. Hooft, 2003
# (C) Daniel Herding, 2004
# (C) Yuri Astrakhan, 2005-2006
# (C) Pywikipedia bot team, 2007-2009
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id$'

import sys, copy, re, os
import time
import codecs
import socket

    set # introduced in Python 2.4: faster and future
except NameError:
    from sets import Set as set

try: sorted ## Introduced in 2.4
except NameError:
    def sorted(seq, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
        """Copy seq and sort and return it.
        >>> sorted()
        seq2 = copy.copy(seq)
        if key:
            if cmp is None:
                cmp = __builtins__.cmp
            seq2.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(key(x), key(y)))
            if cmp is None:
        if reverse:
        return seq2

import wikipedia, config, pagegenerators, catlib
import titletranslate, interwiki_graph
import webbrowser

docuReplacements = {
    '&pagegenerators_help;': pagegenerators.parameterHelp

class XmlDumpLmoLinkPageGenerator:
    Generator which will yield Pages that might contain selflinks.
    These pages will be retrieved from a local XML dump file
    (cur table).
    def __init__(self, xmlFilename):
            * xmlFilename  - The dump's path, either absolute or relative

        self.xmlFilename = xmlFilename

    def __iter__(self):
        import xmlreader
        mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
        dump = xmlreader.XmlDump(self.xmlFilename)
        r = re.compile(r'\d')
        for entry in dump.parse():
            if not
                selflinkR = re.compile(r'\[\[lmo:')
                    yield wikipedia.Page(mysite, entry.title)

class SaveError(wikipedia.Error):
    An attempt to save a page with changed interwiki has failed.

class LinkMustBeRemoved(SaveError):
    An interwiki link has to be removed, but this can't be done because of user
    preferences or because the user chose not to change the page.

class GiveUpOnPage(wikipedia.Error):
    The user chose not to work on this page and its linked pages any more.

msg = {
    'af': (u'robot ', u'Bygevoeg', u'Verwyder', u'Verander'),
    'als': (u'Bötli: ', u'Ygfüegt', u'Ussergnoh', u'Gändret'),
    'ar': (u'روبوت ', u'إضافة', u'إزالة', u'تعديل'),
    'az': (u'Bot redaktəsi ', u'əlavə edilir', u'çıxardılır', u'dəyişdirilir'),
    'bar': (u'Boterl: ', u'Aini', u'Aussi', u'Obàsst'),
    'bat-smg': (u'robots ', u'Pridedama', u'Trėnama', u'Keitama'),
    'bcl': (u'robot ', u'minadugang', u'minahali', u'minamodifikar'),
    'be': (u'робат ', u'Дадаем', u'Выдаляем', u'Мяняем'),
    'be-x-old': (u'робат ', u'дадаў', u'выдаліў', u'зьмяніў'),
    'bg': (u'Робот ', u'Добавяне', u'Изтриване', u'Промяна'),
    'bn': (u'রোবট ', u'যোগ করছে', u'মুছে ফেলছে', u'পরিবর্তন সাধন করছে'),
    'bpy': (u'রোবট ', u'তিলকরের', u'থেইকরের', u'বদালার'),
    'br': (u'Robot ', u'ouzhpennet', u'tennet', u'kemmet'),
    'ca': (u'Robot ', u'afegeix', u'esborra', u'modifica'),
    'ceb': (u'robot ', u'Gidugang', u'Gitangtang', u'Gimodipikar'),
    'crh': (u'robot ', u'ekley', u'çetleştire', u'deñiştire'),
    'cs': (u'robot ', u'přidal', u'odebral', u'změnil'),
    'cv': (u'робот ', u'хушрĕ', u'кăларса пăрахрĕ', u'улăштарчĕ'),
    'cy': (u'robot ', u'yn ychwanegu', u'yn tynnu', u'yn newid'),
    'csb':(u'robot ', u'dodôwô', u'rëmô', u'pòprôwiô'),
    'da': (u'robot ', u'Tilføjer', u'Fjerner', u'Ændrer'),
    'de': (u'Bot: ', u'Ergänze', u'Entferne', u'Ändere'),
    'dv': (u'ރޮބޮޓ ', u'އިތުރު ކުރުނ', u'ފޮހެލުނ', u'ބަދަލު ގެނައުނ'),
    'el': (u'Ρομπότ: ', u'Προσθήκη', u'Αφαίρεση', u'Τροποποίηση'),
    'en': (u'robot ', u'Adding', u'Removing', u'Modifying'),
    'eo': (u'roboto ', u'aldono de', u'forigo de', u'modifo de'),
    'es': (u'robot ', u'Añadido', u'Eliminado', u'Modificado'),
    'et': (u'robot ', u'lisas', u'kustutas', u'muutis'),
    'eu': (u'robota ', u'Erantsia', u'Ezabatua', u'Aldatua'),
    'fa': (u'ربات ', u'افزودن', u'حذف', u'اصلاح'),
    'fi': (u'Botti ', u'lisäsi', u'poisti', u'muokkasi'),
    'fiu-vro': (u'robot ', u'manopandminõ', u'ärqvõtminõ', u'tävvendämine'),
    'fo': (u'bottur ', u'leggur aftrat', u'strikar', u'broytur'),
    'fr': (u'robot ', u'Ajoute', u'Retire', u'Modifie'),
    'frp': (u'robot ', u'Apond', u'Retire', u'Modifie'),
    'fur': (u'Robot: ', u'o zonti', u'o cambii', u'o gjavi'),
    'fy': (u'Bot ', u'- derby', u'- fuort', u'- oars'),
    'gl': (u'bot ', u'Engadido', u'Eliminado', u'Modificado'),
    'gn': (u'bot ', u'ojoapy', u'oñembogue', u'oñemoambue'),
    'he': (u'בוט ', u'מוסיף', u'מסיר', u'משנה'),
    'hr': (u'robot ', u'Dodaje', u'Uklanja', u'Mijenja'),
    'hsb': (u'bot ', u'přidał', u'wotstronił', u'změnił'),
    'ht': (u'wobo ', u'Ajoute', u'Anlve', u'Modifye'),
    'hu': (u'Bot: ', u'következő hozzáadása', u'következő eltávolítása', u'következő módosítása'),
    'ia': (u'Robot: ', u'Addition de', u'Elimination de', u'Modification de'),
    'id': (u'bot ', u'Menambah', u'Membuang', u'Mengubah'),
    'ie': (u'Bot: ', u'Adjuntet', u'Removet', u'Modificat'),
    'io': (u'roboto ', u'adjuntas', u'efacas', u'modifikas'),
    'is': (u'robot ', u'Bæti við', u'Fjarlægi', u'Breyti'),
    'it': (u'Bot: ', u'Aggiungo', u'Tolgo', u'Modifico'),
    'ja': (u'ロボットによる ', u'追加', u'除去', u'変更'),
    'ka': (u'ბოტის ', u'დამატება', u'წაშლა', u'შეცვლა'),
    'ko': (u'로봇이 ', u'더함', u'지움', u'바꿈'),
    'kk': (u'Боттың ', u'үстегені', u'аластағаны', u'түзеткені'),
    'ksh': (u'Bot: ', u'dobëijedonn', u'erußjenumme', u'ußjewääßelt'),
    'ku': (u'robot ', u'serzêde kirin', u'jêbirin', u'guhêrandin'),
    'la': (u'bot ', u'addit', u'abdit', u'mutat'),
    'lb': (u'Bot ', u'Derbäi setzen', u'Ewech huelen', u'Änneren'),
    'lmo': (u'Robot ', u'jontant', u'trant via', u'modifiant'),
    'ln': (u'bot ', u'ebakísí', u'elongólí', u'ebóngólí'),
    'lt': (u'robotas ', u'Pridedama', u'Šalinama', u'Keičiama'),
    'mi': (u'he karetao ', u'e tāpiri ana', u'e tango ana', u'e whakarerekē ana'),
    'lv': (u'robots ', u'pievieno', u'izņem', u'izmaina'),
    'mk': (u'Бот ', u'Додава', u'Брише', u'Менува'),
    'ml': (u'യന്ത്രം ', u'ചേര്‍ക്കുന്നു', u'നീക്കുന്നു', u'പുതുക്കുന്നു'),
    'mn': (u'робот ', u'Нэмж байна', u'Арилгаж байна', u'Өөрчилж байна'),
    'mr': (u'सांगकाम्याने ',  u'वाढविले', u'काढले', u'बदलले'),
    'ms': (u'bot ', u'menambah', u'membuang', u'mengubah'),
    'mzn': (u'Rebot ', u'Biyeshten', u'Bayten', u'Hekărden'),
    'nah': (u'Tepozcuayollotl', u'Tlamahxiltilli', u'Tlaquixtilli', u'Tlapatlalli'),
    'nds': (u'IW-Bot: ', u'dorto', u'rut', u'ännert'),
    'nds-nl': (u'bot', u'derbie', u'derof', u'aanders'),
    'nl': (u'robot ', u'Erbij', u'Eraf', u'Anders'),
    'nn': (u'robot ', u'la til', u'fjerna', u'endra'),
    'no': (u'robot ', u'legger til', u'fjerner', u'endrer'),
    'nov': (u'robote ', u'Adid', u'Ekartad', u'Modifikad'),
    'nrm': (u'robot ', u'ajouôte', u'hale', u'amende'),
    'os': (u'Робот ', u'баххæст кодта', u'Баивта', u'Аиуварс'),
    'pl': (u'robot ', u'dodaje', u'usuwa', u'poprawia'),
    'pms': (u'ël trigomiro ', u'a gionta', u'a gava', u'a modìfica'),
    'pt': (u'Bot: ', u'Adicionando', u'Removendo',u'Modificando'),
    'qu': (u'Rurana antacha ', u'Yapasqa', u'Qullusqa', u'Hukchasqa'),
    'ro': (u'Robot interwiki: ', u'Adăugat', u'Înlăturat',u'Modificat'),
    'ru': (u'робот ', u'добавил', u'удалил', u'изменил'),
    'sk': (u'robot ', u'Pridal', u'Odobral',u'Zmenil' ),
    'sl': (u'robot ', u'Dodajanje', u'Odstranjevanje', u'Spreminjanje'),
    'sq': (u'roboti ', u'shtoj', u'largoj', u'ndryshoj'),
    'sr': (u'Бот ', u'Додаје', u'Брише', u'Мења'),
    'su': (u'bot ', u'Nambih', u'Miceun', u'Ngarobih'),
    'sv': (u'robot ', u'Lägger till', u'Tar bort', u'Ändrar'),
    'sw': (u'roboti ', u'Nyongeza', u'Ondoa', u'Badiliko'),
    'szl': (u'Bot ', u'dodowo', u'wyćepuje', u'zmjyńo'),
    'ta': (u'தானியங்கி',u'இணைப்பு',u'அழிப்பு',u'மாற்றல்'),
    'te': (u'యంత్రము  ', u'కలుపుతున్నది', u'తొలగిస్తున్నది', u'మార్పులు చేస్తున్నది'),
    'tet': (u'bot ', u'tau tan', u'hasai', u'filak'),
    'tg': (u'робот ', u'илова карда истодааст', u'дигаргуни карда истодааст', u'ҳaвз карда истодааст'),
    'tl': (u'robot ', u'dinagdag', u'tinanggal', u'binago'),
    'to': (u'mīsini', u'ʻoku tānaki', u'ʻoku toʻo', u'ʻoku liliu'),
    'tr': (u'Bot değişikliği ', u'Ekleniyor', u'Kaldırılıyor', u'Değiştiriliyor'),
    'th': (u'โรบอต ', u'เพิ่ม', u'ลบ', u'แก้ไข'),
    'uk': (u'робот ', u'додав', u'видалив', u'змінив'),
    'uz': (u'Bot ', u'Qoʻshdi', u'Tuzatdi', u'Oʻchirdi'),
    'vi': (u'robot ', u'Thêm', u'Dời', u'Thay'),
    'vo': (u'bot ', u'läükon', u'moükon', u'votükon'),
    'war':(u'robot ', u'Gindugngan', u'Gintanggal', u'Ginliwat'),
    'yi': (u'באט ', u'צוגעלייגט', u'אראפגענומען', u'געענדערט'),
    'yue': (u'機械人 ', u'加', u'減', u'改'),
    'zh': (u'機器人 ', u'新增', u'移除', u'修改'),
    'zh-classical': (u'僕 ', u'增', u'削', u'修'),
    'zh-yue': (u'機械人 ', u'加', u'減', u'改'),

class Global(object):
    """Container class for global settings.
       Use of globals outside of this is to be avoided."""
    autonomous = False
    confirm = False
    select = False
    debug = True
    followredirect = True
    initialredirect = False
    force = False
    maxquerysize = 60
    same = False
    skip = set()
    skipauto = False
    untranslated = False
    untranslatedonly = False
    askhints = False
    auto = True
    hintnobracket = False
    neverlink = 
    showtextlink = 0
    showtextlinkadd = 300
    localonly = False
    limittwo = False
    strictlimittwo = False
    needlimit = 0
    ignore = 
    parenthesesonly = False
    rememberno = False
    followinterwiki = True
    minsubjects = config.interwiki_min_subjects
    nobackonly = False
    hintsareright = False
    contentsondisk = config.interwiki_contents_on_disk

class StoredPage(wikipedia.Page):
    Store the Page contents on disk to avoid sucking too much
    memory when a big number of Page objects will be loaded
    at the same time.
    # Please prefix the class members names by SP
    # to avoid possible name clashes with wikipedia.Page

    # path to the shelve
    SPpath = None
    # shelve
    SPstore = None

    # attributes created by wikipedia.Page.__init__
    SPcopy = [ '_editrestriction', 
               '_deletedRevs' ]
    def SPdeleteStore():
        if StoredPage.SPpath:
            del StoredPage.SPstore
    SPdeleteStore = staticmethod(SPdeleteStore)

    def __init__(self, page):
        for attr in StoredPage.SPcopy:
            setattr(self, attr, getattr(page, attr))

        if not StoredPage.SPpath:
            import shelve
            index = 1
            while True:
                path = config.datafilepath('cache', 'pagestore' + str(index))       
                if not os.path.exists(path): break
                index += 1
            StoredPage.SPpath = path
            StoredPage.SPstore =

        self.SPkey = self.aslink().encode('utf-8')
        self.SPcontentSet = False

    def SPgetContents(self):
        return StoredPage.SPstore

    def SPsetContents(self, contents):
        self.SPcontentSet = True
        StoredPage.SPstore = contents

    def SPdelContents(self):
        if self.SPcontentSet:
            del StoredPage.SPstore

    _contents = property(SPgetContents, SPsetContents, SPdelContents)

class PageTree(object):
    Structure to manipulate a set of pages.
    Allows filtering efficiently by Site.
    def __init__(self):
        # self.tree :
        # Dictionary: 
        # keys: Site
        # values: list of pages
        # All pages found within Site are kept in
        # self.tree

        # While using dict values would be faster for
        # the remove() operation,
        # keeping list values is important, because
        # the order in which the pages were found matters:
        # the earlier a page is found, the closer it is to the 
        # Subject.originPage. Chances are that pages found within
        # 2 interwiki distance from the originPage are more related
        # to the original topic than pages found later on, after
        # 3, 4, 5 or more interwiki hops.

        # Keeping this order is hence important to display ordered
        # list of pages to the user when he'll be asked to resolve
        # conflicts.
        self.tree = {}
        self.size = 0

    def filter(self, site):
        Iterates over pages that are in Site site
            for page in self.tree:
                yield page
        except KeyError:

    def __len__(self):
        return self.size

    def add(self, page):
        site =
        if not site in self.tree:
            self.tree = 
        self.size += 1

    def remove(self, page):
            self.size -= 1
        except ValueError:

    def removeSite(self, site):
        Removes all pages from Site site
            self.size -= len(self.tree)
            del self.tree
        except KeyError:

    def siteCounts(self):
        Yields (Site, number of pages in site) pairs
        for site, d in self.tree.iteritems():
            yield site, len(d)
    def __iter__(self):
        for site, plist in self.tree.iteritems():
            for page in plist:
                yield page

class Subject(object):
    Class to follow the progress of a single 'subject' (i.e. a page with
    all its translations)

    Subject is a transitive closure of the binary relation on Page:

    A formal way to compute that closure would be:

    With P a set of pages, NL ('NextLevel') a function on sets defined as:
        NL(P) = { target | ∃ source ∈ P, target ∈ source.langlinks() }
        todo <- 
        done <- 
        while todo != : 
            pending <- todo
            todo <-NL(pending) / done
            done <- NL(pending) U done
        return done

    There is, however, one limitation that is induced by implementation:
    to compute efficiently NL(P), one has to load the page contents of 
    pages in P. 
    (Not only the langlinks have to be parsed from each Page, but we also want
     to know if the Page is a redirect, a disambiguation, etc...)

    Because of this, the pages in pending have to be preloaded. 
    However, because the pages in pending are likely to be in several sites
    we cannot "just" preload them as a batch.

    Instead of doing "pending <- todo" at each iteration, we have to elect a 
    Site, and we put in pending all the pages from todo that belong to that 

    Code becomes:
        todo <- {}
        done <- 
        while todo != {}: 
            site <- electSite()
            pending <- todo

            preloadpages(site, pending)

            todo <- NL(pending) / done
            done <- NL(pending) U done
        return done

    Subject objects only operate on pages that should have been preloaded before.
    In fact, at any time: 
      * todo contains new Pages that have not been loaded yet
      * done contains Pages that have been loaded, and that have been treated.
      * If batch preloadings are successful, Page._get() is never called from 
        this Object.

    def __init__(self, originPage, hints = None):
        """Constructor. Takes as arguments the Page on the home wiki
           plus optionally a list of hints for translation"""

        if globalvar.contentsondisk:
            originPage = StoredPage(originPage)

        # Remember the "origin page"
        self.originPage = originPage
        # todo is a list of all pages that still need to be analyzed.
        # Mark the origin page as todo.
        self.todo = PageTree()

        # done is a list of all pages that have been analyzed and that
        # are known to belong to this subject.
        self.done = PageTree()
        # foundIn is a dictionary where pages are keys and lists of
        # pages are values. It stores where we found each page.
        # As we haven't yet found a page that links to the origin page, we
        # start with an empty list for it.
        self.foundIn = {self.originPage:}
        # This is a list of all pages that are currently scheduled for
        # download.
        self.pending = PageTree()
        if globalvar.hintsareright:
            # This is a set of sites that we got hits to
            self.hintedsites = set()
        self.translate(hints, globalvar.hintsareright)
        self.confirm = globalvar.confirm
        self.problemfound = False
        self.untranslated = None
        self.hintsAsked = False
        self.forcedStop = False

    def getFoundDisambig(self, site):
        If we found a disambiguation on the given site while working on the
        subject, this method returns it. If several ones have been found, the
        first one will be returned.
        Otherwise, None will be returned.
        for tree in :
            for page in tree.filter(site):
                if page.exists() and page.isDisambig():
                    return page
        return None

    def getFoundNonDisambig(self, site):
        If we found a non-disambiguation on the given site while working on the
        subject, this method returns it. If several ones have been found, the
        first one will be returned.
        Otherwise, None will be returned.
        for tree in :
            for page in tree.filter(site):
                if page.exists() and not page.isDisambig() and not page.isRedirectPage():
                    return page
        return None

    def getFoundInCorrectNamespace(self, site):
        If we found a page that has the expected namespace on the given site
        while working on the subject, this method returns it. If several ones
        have been found, the first one will be returned.
        Otherwise, None will be returned.
        for tree in :
            for page in tree.filter(site):
                if page.namespace() == self.originPage.namespace():
                    if page.exists() and not page.isRedirectPage():
                        return page
        return None

    def translate(self, hints = None, keephintedsites = False):
        """Add the given translation hints to the todo list"""
        if globalvar.same:
            if hints:
                pages = titletranslate.translate(self.originPage, hints = hints + , auto =, removebrackets
= globalvar.hintnobracket)
                pages = titletranslate.translate(self.originPage, hints = , auto =, removebrackets
= globalvar.hintnobracket)
            pages = titletranslate.translate(self.originPage, hints = hints, auto =, removebrackets
= globalvar.hintnobracket)
        for page in pages:
            if globalvar.contentsondisk:
                page = StoredPage(page)
            self.foundIn = 
            if keephintedsites:

    def openSites(self):
        Iterator. Yields (site, count) pairs:
        * site is a site where we still have work to do on
        * count is the number of items in that Site that need work on
        return self.todo.siteCounts()

    def whatsNextPageBatch(self, site):
        By calling this method, you 'promise' this instance that you will
        preload all the 'site' Pages that are in the todo list. 

        This routine will return a list of pages that can be treated.
        # Bug-check: Isn't there any work still in progress? We can't work on
        # different sites at a time!
        if len(self.pending) > 0:
            raise 'BUG: Can\'t start to work on %s; still working on %s' % (site, self.pending)
        # Prepare a list of suitable pages
        result = 
        for page in self.todo.filter(site):


        # If there are any, return them. Otherwise, nothing is in progress.
        return result

    def makeForcedStop(self,counter):
        Ends work on the page before the normal end.
        for site, count in self.todo.siteCounts():
            counter.minus(site, count)
        self.todo = PageTree()
        self.forcedStop = True

    def addIfNew(self, page, counter, linkingPage):
        Adds the pagelink given to the todo list, but only if we didn't know
        it before. If it is added, update the counter accordingly.

        Also remembers where we found the page, regardless of whether it had
        already been found before or not.

        Returns True if the page is new.
        if self.forcedStop:
            return False
        if globalvar.nobackonly:
            if page == self.originPage:
                wikipedia.output("%s has a backlink from %s."%(page,linkingPage))
                return False

        if page in self.foundIn:
            # not new
            return False
            if globalvar.contentsondisk:
                page = StoredPage(page)
            self.foundIn = 
            return True

    def skipPage(self, page, target, counter):
        return self.isIgnored(target) or \
            self.namespaceMismatch(page, target, counter) or \

    def namespaceMismatch(self, linkingPage, linkedPage, counter):
        Checks whether or not the given page has another namespace
        than the origin page.

        Returns True if the namespaces are different and the user
        has selected not to follow the linked page.
        if linkedPage in self.foundIn:
            # We have seen this page before, don't ask again.
            return False
        elif self.originPage.namespace() != linkedPage.namespace():
            # Allow for a mapping between different namespaces
            crossFrom =, {})
            crossTo = crossFrom.get(, crossFrom.get('_default', {}))
            nsmatch = crossTo.get(, crossTo.get('_default', ))
            if linkedPage.namespace() in nsmatch:
                return False
            if globalvar.autonomous:
                wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Ignoring link from page %s in namespace %i to page %s in namespace %i." % (self.originPage.aslink(True), self.originPage.namespace(), linkedPage.aslink(True), linkedPage.namespace()))
                # Fill up foundIn, so that we will not write this notice
                self.foundIn = 
                return True
                preferredPage = self.getFoundInCorrectNamespace(
                if preferredPage:
                    wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Ignoring link from page %s in namespace %i to page %s in namespace %i because page %s in the correct namespace has already been found." % (self.originPage.aslink(True), self.originPage.namespace(), linkedPage.aslink(True), linkedPage.namespace(), preferredPage.aslink(True)))
                    return True
                    choice = wikipedia.inputChoice('WARNING: %s is in namespace %i, but %s is in namespace %i. Follow it anyway?' % (self.originPage.aslink(True), self.originPage.namespace(), linkedPage.aslink(True), linkedPage.namespace()), , )
                    if choice != 'y':
                        # Fill up foundIn, so that we will not ask again
                        self.foundIn = 
                        if choice == 'g':
                        elif choice == 'a':
                            newHint = wikipedia.input(u'Give the alternative for language %s, not using a language code:' %
                            if newHint:
                                alternativePage = wikipedia.Page(, newHint)
                                if alternativePage:
                                    # add the page that was entered by the user
                                    self.addIfNew(alternativePage, counter, None)
                            wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: ignoring %s and its interwiki links" % linkedPage.aslink(True))
                        return True
            # same namespaces, no problem
            return False

    def wiktionaryMismatch(self, page):
        if globalvar.same=='wiktionary':
            if"", self.originPage.title()) or"", page.title()):#most probably an inflexion page
                return False
            elif and
                originalSelfTitle = self.originPage.title()
                originalPageTitle = page.title()
                originalPageTitle = page.title().lower()+page.title()
                originalSelfTitle = self.originPage.title().lower()+self.originPage.title()
            if"–", originalPageTitle):#("ß", "ss")?
                cleanedPageTitle = strippedPageTitle = originalPageTitle.replace(u"–", "-")
                cleanedSelfTitle = strippedSelfTitle = originalSelfTitle.replace(u"–", "-")
                cleanedPageTitle = strippedPageTitle = originalPageTitle
                cleanedSelfTitle = strippedSelfTitle = originalSelfTitle
            if"", cleanedPageTitle):
                cleanedPageTitle = re.sub(u""," ", cleanedPageTitle)
            if"", cleanedSelfTitle):
                cleanedSelfTitle = re.sub(u""," ", cleanedSelfTitle)
            if cleanedPageTitle == cleanedSelfTitle:
                return False
                if"", strippedPageTitle):#; diacritics, interpuncts etc.?
                    strippedPageTitle = re.sub(u"","", strippedPageTitle)
                if"", strippedSelfTitle):#; diacritics, interpuncts etc.?
                    strippedSelfTitle = re.sub(u"","", strippedSelfTitle)
                if strippedPageTitle == strippedSelfTitle:
                    return False
                    if and and (cleanedPageTitle.lower()+cleanedPageTitle == cleanedSelfTitle.lower()+cleanedSelfTitle or strippedPageTitle.lower()+strippedPageTitle == strippedSelfTitle.lower()+strippedSelfTitle):
                        wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Ignoring %s for %s in wiktionary mode because both languages are uncapitalized." % (page.aslink(), self.originPage.aslink()))
                        wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Ignoring %s for %s in wiktionary mode" % (page.aslink(), self.originPage.aslink()))
                    return True

    def disambigMismatch(self, page, counter):
        Checks whether or not the given page has the another disambiguation
        status than the origin page.

        Returns a tuple (skip, alternativePage).

        skip is True if the pages have mismatching statuses and the bot
        is either in autonomous mode, or the user chose not to use the
        given page.

        alternativePage is either None, or a page that the user has
        chosen to use instead of the given page.
        if globalvar.autonomous:
            if self.originPage.isDisambig() and not page.isDisambig():
                wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Ignoring link from disambiguation page %s to non-disambiguation %s" % (self.originPage.aslink(True), page.aslink(True)))
                return (True, None)
            elif not self.originPage.isDisambig() and page.isDisambig():
                wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Ignoring link from non-disambiguation page %s to disambiguation %s" % (self.originPage.aslink(True), page.aslink(True)))
                return (True, None)
            choice = 'y'
            if self.originPage.isDisambig() and not page.isDisambig():
                disambig = self.getFoundDisambig(
                if disambig:
                    wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Ignoring non-disambiguation page %s for %s because disambiguation page %s has already been found." % (page.aslink(True), self.originPage.aslink(True), disambig.aslink(True)))
                    return (True, None)
                    choice = wikipedia.inputChoice('WARNING: %s is a disambiguation page, but %s doesn\'t seem to be one. Follow it anyway?' % (self.originPage.aslink(True), page.aslink(True)), , )
            elif not self.originPage.isDisambig() and page.isDisambig():
                nondisambig = self.getFoundNonDisambig(
                if nondisambig:
                    wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Ignoring disambiguation page %s for %s because non-disambiguation page %s has already been found." % (page.aslink(True), self.originPage.aslink(True), nondisambig.aslink(True)))
                    return (True, None)
                    choice = wikipedia.inputChoice('WARNING: %s doesn\'t seem to be a disambiguation page, but %s is one. Follow it anyway?' % (self.originPage.aslink(True), page.aslink(True)), , )
            if choice == 'n':
                return (True, None)
            elif choice == 'a':
                newHint = wikipedia.input(u'Give the alternative for language %s, not using a language code:' %
                alternativePage = wikipedia.Page(, newHint)
                return (True, alternativePage)
            elif choice == 'g':
                return (True, None)
        # We can follow the page.
        return (False, None)

    def isIgnored(self, page):
        if in globalvar.neverlink:
            wikipedia.output(u"Skipping link %s to an ignored language" % page.aslink())
            return True
        if page in globalvar.ignore:
            wikipedia.output(u"Skipping link %s to an ignored page" % page.aslink())
            return True
        return False

    def reportInterwikilessPage(self, page):
        wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: %s does not have any interwiki links" % self.originPage.aslink(True))
        if config.without_interwiki:
            f =
                wikipedia.config.datafilepath('without_interwiki.txt'), 'a', 'utf-8')
            f.write("# %s \n" % page.aslink(forceInterwiki=True))

    def askForHints(self, counter):
        if (self.untranslated or globalvar.askhints) and not self.hintsAsked and not self.originPage.isRedirectPage():
            # Only once!
            self.hintsAsked = True
            if globalvar.untranslated:
                newhint = None
                t = globalvar.showtextlink
                if t:
                # loop
                while True:
                    newhint = wikipedia.input(u'Give a hint (? to see pagetext):')
                    if newhint == '?':
                        t += globalvar.showtextlinkadd
                    elif newhint and not ':' in newhint:
                        wikipedia.output(u'Please enter a hint in the format language:pagename or type nothing if you do not have a hint.')
                    elif not newhint:
                        pages = titletranslate.translate(self.originPage, hints = , auto =, removebrackets
= globalvar.hintnobracket)
                        for page in pages:
                            self.addIfNew(page, counter, None)
                            if globalvar.hintsareright:

    def batchLoaded(self, counter):
        This is called by a worker to tell us that the promised batch of
        pages was loaded. 
        In other words, all the pages in self.pending have already
        been preloaded.

        The only argument is an instance
        of a counter class, that has methods minus() and plus() to keep
        counts of the total work todo.
        # Loop over all the pages that should have been taken care of
        for page in self.pending:
            # Mark the page as done

            # make sure that none of the linked items is an auto item
            if globalvar.skipauto:
                dictName, year = page.autoFormat()
                if dictName is not None:
                    wikipedia.output(u'WARNING: %s:%s relates to %s:%s, which is an auto entry %s(%s)' % (, self.originPage.title(),,page.title(),dictName,year))

            # Register this fact at the todo-counter.
            # Now check whether any interwiki links should be added to the
            # todo list.

            if not page.exists():
                wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: %s does not exist" % page.aslink(True))
                if page == self.originPage:
                    # The page we are working on is the page that does not exist.
                    # No use in doing any work on it in that case.
                    for site, count in self.todo.siteCounts():
                        counter.minus(site, count)
                    self.todo = PageTree()
                    # In some rare cases it might be we already did check some 'automatic' links 
                    self.done = PageTree() 

            elif page.isRedirectPage():
                    redirectTargetPage = page.getRedirectTarget()
                except wikipedia.InvalidTitle:
                    # MW considers #redirect ] as a redirect page,
                    # but we can't do anything useful with such pages
                    wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: %s redirects to an invalid title" % page.aslink(True))
                wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: %s is redirect to %s" % (page.aslink(True), redirectTargetPage.aslink(True)))
                if page == self.originPage:
                    if globalvar.initialredirect:
                        if globalvar.contentsondisk:
                            redirectTargetPage = StoredPage(redirectTargetPage)
                        self.originPage = redirectTargetPage
                        # This is a redirect page to the origin. We don't need to
                        # follow the redirection.
                        # In this case we can also stop all hints!
                        for site, count in self.todo.siteCounts():
                            counter.minus(site, count)
                        self.todo = PageTree()
                elif not globalvar.followredirect:
                    wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: not following redirects.")
                elif == \
                    and not self.skipPage(page, redirectTargetPage, counter):
                    if self.addIfNew(redirectTargetPage, counter, page):
                        if config.interwiki_shownew:
                            wikipedia.output(u"%s: %s gives new redirect %s" %  (self.originPage.aslink(), page.aslink(True), redirectTargetPage.aslink(True)))


            elif page.section():

            # Page exists, isnt a redirect, and is a plain link (no section)

                iw = page.interwiki()
            except wikipedia.NoSuchSite:
                wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: site %s does not exist" %

            (skip, alternativePage) = self.disambigMismatch(page, counter)
            if skip:
                wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: ignoring %s and its interwiki links" % page.aslink(True))
                iw = ()
                if alternativePage:
                    # add the page that was entered by the user
                    self.addIfNew(alternativePage, counter, None)

            duplicate = None
            for p in self.done.filter(
                if p != page and p.exists() and not p.isRedirectPage():
                    duplicate = p

            if self.originPage == page:
                self.untranslated = (len(iw) == 0)
                if globalvar.untranslatedonly:
                    # Ignore the interwiki links.
                    iw = ()

            elif globalvar.autonomous and duplicate:
                wikipedia.output(u"Stopping work on %s because duplicate pages"\
                    " %s and %s are found" % (self.originPage.aslink(True), 
                    f =
                            'a', 'utf-8')
                    f.write("* %s {Found more than one link for %s}" % (self.originPage.aslink(True),
                    if config.interwiki_graph and config.interwiki_graph_url:
                        filename = interwiki_graph.getFilename(self.originPage, extension = config.interwiki_graph_formats)
                        f.write(" " % (config.interwiki_graph_url, filename))
                # FIXME: What errors are we catching here? 
                # except: should be avoided!!
                   wikipedia.output(u'File autonomous_problem.dat open or corrupted! Try again with -restore.')
                iw = ()
            elif page.isEmpty() and not page.isCategory():
                wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: %s is empty; ignoring it and its interwiki links" % page.aslink(True))
                # Ignore the interwiki links
                iw = ()

            for linkedPage in iw:
                if globalvar.hintsareright:
                    if in self.hintedsites:
                        wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: %s: %s extra interwiki on hinted site ignored %s" % (self.originPage.aslink(), page.aslink(True), linkedPage.aslink(True)))
                if not self.skipPage(page, linkedPage, counter):
                    if globalvar.followinterwiki or page == self.originPage:
                        if self.addIfNew(linkedPage, counter, page):
                            # It is new. Also verify whether it is the second on the
                            # same site
                            for prevPage in self.foundIn:
                                if prevPage != linkedPage and == lpsite:
                                    # Still, this could be "no problem" as either may be a
                                    # redirect to the other. No way to find out quickly!
                                    wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: %s: %s gives duplicate interwiki on same site %s" % (self.originPage.aslink(True), page.aslink(True), linkedPage.aslink(True)))
                                if config.interwiki_shownew:
                                    wikipedia.output(u"%s: %s gives new interwiki %s"% (self.originPage.aslink(), page.aslink(True), linkedPage.aslink(True)))

        # These pages are no longer 'in progress'
        self.pending = PageTree()
        # Check whether we need hints and the user offered to give them
        if self.untranslated and not self.hintsAsked:

    def isDone(self):
        """Return True if all the work for this subject has completed."""
        return len(self.todo) == 0

    def problem(self, txt, createneed = True):
        """Report a problem with the resolution of this subject."""
        wikipedia.output(u"ERROR: %s" % txt)
        self.confirm = True
        if createneed:
            self.problemfound = True

    def whereReport(self, page, indent=4):
        for page2 in sorted(self.foundIn):
            if page2 is None:
                wikipedia.output(u" "*indent + "Given as a hint.")
                wikipedia.output(u" "*indent + page2.aslink(True))

    def assemble(self):
        # No errors have been seen so far, except....
        errorCount = self.problemfound
        mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
        # Build up a dictionary of all pages found, with the site as key.
        # Each value will be a list of pages.
        new = {}
        for page in self.done:
            if page.exists() and not page.isRedirectPage():
                site =
                if site ==
                    if page != self.originPage:
                        self.problem("Found link to %s" % page.aslink(True) )
                        errorCount += 1
                    if site in new:
                        new = 
        # See if new{} contains any problematic values
        result = {}
        for site, pages in new.iteritems():
            if len(pages) > 1:
                errorCount += 1
                self.problem("Found more than one link for %s" % site)

        if not errorCount and not
            # no errors, so all lists have only one item
            for site, pages in new.iteritems():
                result = pages
            return result

        # There are any errors.
        if config.interwiki_graph:
            graphDrawer = interwiki_graph.GraphDrawer(self)

        # We don't need to continue with the rest if we're in autonomous
        # mode.
        if globalvar.autonomous:
            return None

        # First loop over the ones that have more solutions
        for site, pages in new.iteritems():
            if len(pages) > 1:
                wikipedia.output(u"=" * 30)
                wikipedia.output(u"Links to %s" % site)
                i = 0
                for page2 in pages:
                    i += 1
                    wikipedia.output(u"  (%d) Found link to %s in:" % (i, page2.aslink(True)))
                    self.whereReport(page2, indent = 8)
                while True:
                    answer = wikipedia.input(u"Which variant should be used  :")
                    if answer:
                        if answer == 'g':
                            return None
                        elif answer == 'n':
                            # None acceptable
                        elif answer.isdigit():
                            answer = int(answer)
                                result = pages
                            except IndexError:
                                # user input is out of range
        # Loop over the ones that have one solution, so are in principle
        # not a problem.
        acceptall = False
        for site, pages in new.iteritems():
            if len(pages) == 1:
                if not acceptall:
                    wikipedia.output(u"=" * 30)
                    page2 = pages
                    wikipedia.output(u"Found link to %s in:" % page2.aslink(True))
                    self.whereReport(page2, indent = 4)
                while True:
                    if acceptall:
                        answer = 'a'
                        answer = wikipedia.inputChoice(u'What should be done?', , , 'a')
                    if answer == 'l': # accept all
                        acceptall = True
                        answer = 'a'
                    if answer == 'a': # accept this one
                        result = pages
                    elif answer == 'g': # give up
                        return None
                    elif answer == 'r': # reject
                        # None acceptable
        return result

    def finish(self, bot = None):
        """Round up the subject, making any necessary changes. This method
           should be called exactly once after the todo list has gone empty.

           This contains a shortcut: if a subject list is given in the argument
           bot, just before submitting a page change to the live wiki it is
           checked whether we will have to wait. If that is the case, the bot will
           be told to make another get request first."""
        if not self.isDone():
            raise "Bugcheck: finish called before done"
        if self.forcedStop:
            wikipedia.output(u"======Aborted processing %s======" % self.originPage.aslink(True))
        if self.originPage.isRedirectPage():
        if not self.untranslated and globalvar.untranslatedonly:
        # The following check is not always correct and thus disabled.
        # self.done might contain no interwiki links because of the -neverlink
        # argument or because of disambiguation conflicts.
#         if len(self.done) == 1:
#             # No interwiki at all
#             return
        wikipedia.output(u"======Post-processing %s======" % self.originPage.aslink(True))
        # Assemble list of accepted interwiki links
        new = self.assemble()
        if new is None: # User said give up or autonomous with problem
            wikipedia.output(u"======Aborted processing %s======" % self.originPage.aslink(True))

        # Make sure new contains every page link, including the page we are processing
        # replaceLinks will skip the site it's working on.
        if not in new:
            new = self.originPage

        #self.replaceLinks(self.originPage, new, True, bot)

        updatedSites = 
        notUpdatedSites = 
        # Process all languages here
        if globalvar.limittwo:
            lclSite =
            lclSiteDone = False
            frgnSiteDone = False

            for siteCode in
                site = wikipedia.getSite(code = siteCode)
                if (not lclSiteDone and site == lclSite) or (not frgnSiteDone and site != lclSite and site in new):
                    if site == lclSite:
                        lclSiteDone = True   # even if we fail the update
                    if in config.usernames and site.lang in config.usernames:
                            if self.replaceLinks(new, new, bot):
                            if site != lclSite:
                                 frgnSiteDone = True
                        except SaveError:
                        except GiveUpOnPage:
                elif not globalvar.strictlimittwo and site in new and site != lclSite:
                        for page in new.interwiki():
                            old = page
                    except wikipedia.NoPage:
                        wikipedia.output(u"BUG>>> %s no longer exists?" % new.aslink(True))
                    mods, mcomment, adding, removing, modifying = compareLanguages(old, new, insite = lclSite)
                    if (len(removing) > 0 and not globalvar.autonomous) or (len(modifying) > 0 and self.problemfound) or len(old) == 0 or (globalvar.needlimit and len(adding) + len(modifying) >= globalvar.needlimit +1):
                            if self.replaceLinks(new, new, bot):
                        except SaveError:
                        except wikipedia.NoUsername:
                        except GiveUpOnPage:
            for (site, page) in new.iteritems():
                # if we have an account for this site
                if in config.usernames and site.lang in config.usernames:
                    # Try to do the changes
                        if self.replaceLinks(page, new, bot):
                            # Page was changed
                    except SaveError:
                    except GiveUpOnPage:

        # disabled graph drawing for minor problems: it just takes too long
        #if notUpdatedSites !=  and config.interwiki_graph:
        #    # at least one site was not updated, save a conflict graph
        #    self.createGraph()

        # don't report backlinks for pages we already changed
        if config.interwiki_backlink:
            self.reportBacklinks(new, updatedSites)

    def clean(self):
        Delete the contents that are stored on disk for this Subject.

        We cannot afford to define this in a StoredPage destructor because
        StoredPage instances can get referenced cyclicly: that would stop the 
        garbage collector from destroying some of those objects.

        It's also not necessary to set these lines as a Subject destructor:
        deleting all stored content one entry by one entry when bailing out
        after a KeyboardInterrupt for example is redundant, because the 
        whole storage file will be eventually removed.
        if globalvar.contentsondisk:
            for page in self.foundIn:
                # foundIn can contain either Page or StoredPage objects
                # calling the destructor on _contents will delete the
                # disk records if necessary
                if hasattr(page, '_contents'):
                    del page._contents

    def replaceLinks(self, page, newPages, bot):
        Returns True if saving was successful.
        if globalvar.localonly:
            # In this case only continue on the Page we started with
            if page != self.originPage:
                raise SaveError

        if page.title() != page.sectionFreeTitle():
            # This is not a page, but a subpage. Do not edit it.
            wikipedia.output(u"Not editing %s: not doing interwiki on subpages" % page.aslink(True))
            raise SaveError
            pagetext = page.get()
        except wikipedia.NoPage:
            wikipedia.output(u"Not editing %s: page does not exist" % page.aslink(True))
            raise SaveError

        # Show a message in purple.
        wikipedia.output("\03{lightpurple}Updating links on page %s.\03{default}" % page.aslink(True))

        # clone original newPages dictionary, so that we can modify it to the local page's needs
        new = dict(newPages)

        interwikis = page.interwiki()

        # remove interwiki links to ignore
        for iw in re.finditer('<!-- *\\] *-->', pagetext):
                ignorepage = wikipedia.Page(, iw.groups())
            except (wikipedia.NoSuchSite, wikipedia.InvalidTitle):

                if (new == ignorepage) and ( !=
                    if (ignorepage not in interwikis):
                        wikipedia.output(u"Ignoring link to %(to)s for %(from)s" % {'to': ignorepage.aslink(), 'from': page.aslink()})
                        wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Not removing interwiki from %(from)s to %(to)s (exists both commented and non-commented)" % {'to': ignorepage.aslink(), 'from': page.aslink()})
            except KeyError:

        # sanity check - the page we are fixing must be the only one for that site.
        pltmp = new
        if pltmp != page:
            s = "None"
            if pltmp is not None: s = pltmp.aslink(True)
            wikipedia.output(u"BUG>>> %s is not in the list of new links! Found %s." % (page.aslink(True), s))
            raise SaveError

        # Avoid adding an iw link back to itself
        del new

        # Put interwiki links into a map
        for page2 in interwikis:
            old = page2

        # Check what needs to get done
        mods, mcomment, adding, removing, modifying = compareLanguages(old, new, insite =

        # When running in autonomous mode without -force switch, make sure we don't remove any items, but allow addition of the new ones
        if globalvar.autonomous and not globalvar.force and len(removing) > 0:
            for rmsite in removing:
                if rmsite !=   # Sometimes sites have an erroneous link to itself as an interwiki
                    rmPage = old
                    # temporary hard-coded special case to get rid of thousands of broken links to the Lombard Wikipedia,
                    # where useless bot-created articles were mass-deleted. See for example:
                    # http://meta.wikimedia.org
                    if rmsite == wikipedia.getSite('lmo', 'wikipedia'):
                        wikipedia.output('Found bad link to %s. As many lmo pages were deleted, it is assumed that it can be safely removed.' % rmPage.aslink())
                        new = old
                        wikipedia.output(u"WARNING: %s is either deleted or has a mismatching disambiguation state." % rmPage.aslink(True))
            # Re-Check what needs to get done
            mods, mcomment, adding, removing, modifying = compareLanguages(old, new, insite =

        if not mods:
            wikipedia.output(u'No changes needed' )
            return False

        wikipedia.output(u"Changes to be made: %s" % mods)
        oldtext = page.get()
        newtext = wikipedia.replaceLanguageLinks(oldtext, new, site =, template = (page.namespace() == 10) )
        if newtext == oldtext:
            return False
        if globalvar.debug:
            wikipedia.showDiff(oldtext, newtext)

        # wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Replace %s" % page.aslink())
        # Determine whether we need permission to submit
        ask = False
        if removing and removing != :   # Allow for special case of a self-pointing interwiki link
            self.problem('Found incorrect link to %s in %s'% (",".join(), page.aslink(True)), createneed = False)
            ask = True
        if globalvar.force:
            ask = False
        if globalvar.confirm:
            ask = True
        # If we need to ask, do so
        if ask:
            if globalvar.autonomous:
                # If we cannot ask, deny permission
                answer = 'n'
                answer = wikipedia.inputChoice(u'Submit?', 
                if answer == 'b':
          "http://%s%s" % (
                    wikipedia.input("Press Enter when finished in browser.")
                    return True
            # If we do not need to ask, allow
            answer = 'y'
        # If we got permission to submit, do so
        if answer == 'y':
            # Check whether we will have to wait for wikipedia. If so, make
            # another get-query first.
            if bot:
                while wikipedia.get_throttle.waittime() + 2.0 < wikipedia.put_throttle.waittime():
                    wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Performing a recursive query first to save time....")
                    qdone = bot.oneQuery()
                    if not qdone:
                        # Nothing more to do
            wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Updating live wiki...")
            while 1:
                    status, reason, data = page.put(newtext, comment = mcomment)
                except wikipedia.LockedPage:
                    wikipedia.output(u'Page %s is locked. Skipping.' % (page.title(),))
                    raise SaveError
                except wikipedia.EditConflict:
                    wikipedia.output(u'ERROR putting page: An edit conflict occurred. Giving up.')
                    raise SaveError
                except (wikipedia.SpamfilterError), error:
                    wikipedia.output(u'ERROR putting page: %s blacklisted by spamfilter. Giving up.' % (error.url,))
                    raise SaveError
                except (wikipedia.PageNotSaved), error:
                    wikipedia.output(u'ERROR putting page: %s' % (error.args,))
                    raise SaveError
                except (socket.error, IOError), error:
                    if timeout>3600:
                    wikipedia.output(u'ERROR putting page: %s' % (error.args,))
                    wikipedia.output(u'Sleeping %i seconds before trying again.' % (timeout,))
                    timeout *= 2
                except wikipedia.ServerError:
                    if timeout>3600:
                    wikipedia.output(u'ERROR putting page: ServerError.')
                    wikipedia.output(u'Sleeping %i seconds before trying again.' % (timeout,))
                    timeout *= 2
            if str(status) == '302':
                return True
                wikipedia.output(u'%s %s' % (status, reason))
                return False
        elif answer == 'g':
            raise GiveUpOnPage
            raise LinkMustBeRemoved('Found incorrect link to %s in %s'% (",".join(), page.aslink(True)))

    def reportBacklinks(self, new, updatedSites):
        Report missing back links. This will be called from finish() if needed.

        updatedSites is a list that contains all sites we changed, to avoid
        reporting of missing backlinks for pages we already fixed

        # use sets because searching an element is faster than in lists
        expectedPages = set(new.itervalues())
        expectedSites = set(new)
            for site in expectedSites - set(updatedSites):
                page = new
                if not page.section():
                        linkedPages = set(page.interwiki())
                    except wikipedia.NoPage:
                        wikipedia.output(u"WARNING: Page %s does no longer exist?!" % page.title())
                    # To speed things up, create a dictionary which maps sites to pages.
                    # This assumes that there is only one interwiki link per language.
                    linkedPagesDict = {}
                    for linkedPage in linkedPages:
                        linkedPagesDict = linkedPage
                    for expectedPage in expectedPages - linkedPages:
                        if expectedPage != page:
                                linkedPage = linkedPagesDict
                                wikipedia.output(u"WARNING: %s: %s does not link to %s but to %s" % (, page.aslink(True), expectedPage.aslink(True), linkedPage.aslink(True)))
                            except KeyError:
                                wikipedia.output(u"WARNING: %s: %s does not link to %s" % (, page.aslink(True), expectedPage.aslink(True)))
                    # Check for superfluous links
                    for linkedPage in linkedPages:
                        if linkedPage not in expectedPages:
                            # Check whether there is an alternative page on that language.
                            # In this case, it was already reported above.
                            if not in expectedSites:
                                wikipedia.output(u"WARNING: %s: %s links to incorrect %s" % (, page.aslink(True), linkedPage.aslink(True)))
        except (socket.error, IOError):
            wikipedia.output(u'ERROR: could not report backlinks')

class InterwikiBot(object):
    """A class keeping track of a list of subjects, controlling which pages
       are queried from which languages when."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Constructor. We always start with empty lists."""
        self.subjects = 
        # We count how many pages still need to be loaded per site.
        # This allows us to find out from which site to retrieve pages next
        # in a way that saves bandwidth.
        # sites are keys, integers are values.
        # Modify this only via plus() and minus()!
        self.counts = {}
        self.pageGenerator = None
        self.generated = 0

    def add(self, page, hints = None):
        """Add a single subject to the list"""
        subj = Subject(page, hints = hints)
        for site, count in subj.openSites():
            # Keep correct counters
  , count)

    def setPageGenerator(self, pageGenerator, number = None, until = None):
        """Add a generator of subjects. Once the list of subjects gets
           too small, this generator is called to produce more Pages"""
        self.pageGenerator = pageGenerator
        self.generateNumber = number
        self.generateUntil = until

    def dump(self):
        site = wikipedia.getSite()
        dumpfn = wikipedia.config.datafilepath(
                     'interwikidump-%s-%s.txt' % (, site.lang))
        f =, 'w', 'utf-8')
        for subj in self.subjects:
        wikipedia.output(u'Dump %s (%s) saved' % (site.lang,

    def generateMore(self, number):
        """Generate more subjects. This is called internally when the
           list of subjects becomes too small, but only if there is a
        fs = self.firstSubject()
        if fs:
            wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: The first unfinished subject is " + fs.originPage.aslink(True))
        wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Number of pages queued is %d, trying to add %d more."%(len(self.subjects), number))
        for i in range(number):
                while True:
                    page =
                    if page in globalvar.skip:
                        wikipedia.output(u'Skipping: %s is in the skip list' % page.title())
                    if globalvar.skipauto:
                        dictName, year = page.autoFormat()
                        if dictName is not None:
                            wikipedia.output(u'Skipping: %s is an auto entry %s(%s)' % (page.title(),dictName,year))
                    if globalvar.parenthesesonly:
                        # Only yield pages that have ( ) in titles
                        if "(" not in page.title():

                if self.generateUntil:
                    if page.titleWithoutNamespace() > self.generateUntil:
                        raise StopIteration
                self.add(page, hints = hints)
                self.generated += 1
                if self.generateNumber:
                    if self.generated >= self.generateNumber:
                        raise StopIteration
            except StopIteration:
                self.pageGenerator = None

    def firstSubject(self):
        """Return the first subject that is still being worked on"""
        if self.subjects:
            return self.subjects

    def maxOpenSite(self):
        """Return the site that has the most
           open queries plus the number. If there is nothing left, return
           None. Only languages that are TODO for the first Subject
           are returned."""
        max = 0
        maxlang = None
        if not self.firstSubject():
            return None
        oc = dict(self.firstSubject().openSites())
        if not oc:
            # The first subject is done. This might be a recursive call made because we
            # have to wait before submitting another modification to go live. Select
            # any language from counts.
            oc = self.counts
        if wikipedia.getSite() in oc:
            return wikipedia.getSite()
        for lang in oc:
            count = self.counts
            if count > max:
                max = count
                maxlang = lang
        return maxlang

    def selectQuerySite(self):
        """Select the site the next query should go out for."""
        # How many home-language queries we still have?
        mycount = self.counts.get(wikipedia.getSite(), 0)
        # Do we still have enough subjects to work on for which the
        # home language has been retrieved? This is rough, because
        # some subjects may need to retrieve a second home-language page!
        if len(self.subjects) - mycount < globalvar.minsubjects:
            # Can we make more home-language queries by adding subjects?
            if self.pageGenerator and mycount < globalvar.maxquerysize:
                timeout = 60
                while timeout<3600:
                        self.generateMore(globalvar.maxquerysize - mycount)
                    except wikipedia.ServerError:
                        # Could not extract allpages special page?
                        wikipedia.output(u'ERROR: could not retrieve more pages. Will try again in %d seconds'%timeout)
                        timeout *= 2
            # If we have a few, getting the home language is a good thing.
                if self.counts > 4:
                    return wikipedia.getSite()
            except KeyError:
        # If getting the home language doesn't make sense, see how many
        # foreign page queries we can find.
        return self.maxOpenSite()

    def oneQuery(self):
        Perform one step in the solution process.

        Returns True if pages could be preloaded, or false
        # First find the best language to work on
        site = self.selectQuerySite()
        if site is None:
            wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Nothing left to do")
            return False
        # Now assemble a reasonable list of pages to get
        subjectGroup = 
        pageGroup = 
        for subject in self.subjects:
            # Promise the subject that we will work on the site.
            # We will get a list of pages we can do.
            pages = subject.whatsNextPageBatch(site)
            if pages:
                if len(pageGroup) >= globalvar.maxquerysize:
                    # We have found enough pages to fill the bandwidth.
        if len(pageGroup) == 0:
            wikipedia.output(u"NOTE: Nothing left to do 2")
            return False
        # Get the content of the assembled list in one blow
        gen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(iter(pageGroup))
        for page in gen:
            # we don't want to do anything with them now. The
            # page contents will be read via the Subject class.
        # Tell all of the subjects that the promised work is done
        for subject in subjectGroup:
        return True

    def queryStep(self):
        # Delete the ones that are done now.
        for i in range(len(self.subjects)-1, -1, -1):
            subj = self.subjects
            if subj.isDone():
                del self.subjects

    def isDone(self):
        """Check whether there is still more work to do"""
        return len(self) == 0 and self.pageGenerator is None

    def plus(self, site, count=1):
        """This is a routine that the Subject class expects in a counter"""
            self.counts += count
        except KeyError:
            self.counts = count

    def minus(self, site, count=1):
        """This is a routine that the Subject class expects in a counter"""
        self.counts -= count

    def run(self):
        """Start the process until finished"""
        while not self.isDone():

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.subjects)

def compareLanguages(old, new, insite):

    oldiw = set(old)
    newiw = set(new)

    # sort by language code
    adding = sorted(newiw - oldiw)
    removing = sorted(oldiw - newiw)
    modifying = sorted(site for site in oldiw & newiw if old != new)

    mcomment = u''
    mods = u''

    if len(adding) + len(removing) + len(modifying) <= 3:
        # Use an extended format for the string linking to all added pages.
        fmt = lambda d, site: d.aslink(forceInterwiki=True)
        # Use short format, just the language code
        fmt = lambda d, site: site.lang

    colon = u': '
    comma = u', '

    head, add, rem, mod = wikipedia.translate(insite.lang, msg)

    addtrail = u''
    remtrail = u''
    modtrail = u''
    trail = u''

    if adding:
        mods += (add + colon + comma.join() + addtrail)
    if removing:
        mods += (rem + colon + comma.join() + remtrail)
    if modifying:
        mods += (mod + colon + comma.join() + modtrail)
    if mods:
        mcomment = head + mods + trail
    return mods, mcomment, adding, removing, modifying

def readWarnfile(filename, bot):
    import warnfile
    reader = warnfile.WarnfileReader(filename)
    # we won't use removeHints
    (hints, removeHints) = reader.getHints()
    for page, pagelist in hints.iteritems():
        # The WarnfileReader gives us a list of pagelinks, but expects a list of strings, so we convert it back.
        # TODO: This is a quite ugly hack, in the future we should maybe make titletranslate expect a list of pagelinks.
        hintStrings = 
        bot.add(page, hints = hintStrings)



if __name__ == "__main__":
        singlePageTitle = 
        hints = 
        start = None
        # Which namespaces should be processed?
        # default to  which means all namespaces will be processed
        namespaces = 
        number = None
        until = None
        warnfile = None
        # a normal PageGenerator (which doesn't give hints, only Pages)
        hintlessPageGen = None
        optContinue = False
        optRestore = False
        newPages = None
        # This factory is responsible for processing command line arguments
        # that are also used by other scripts and that determine on which pages
        # to work on.
        genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()

        for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
            if arg.startswith('-xml'):
                if len(arg) == 4:
                    xmlFilename = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the XML dump\'s filename:')
                    xmlFilename = arg
                hintlessPageGen = XmlDumpLmoLinkPageGenerator(xmlFilename)
            elif arg == '-noauto':
       = False
            elif arg.startswith('-hint:'):
            elif arg.startswith('-hintfile'):
                hintfilename = arg
                if (hintfilename is None) or (hintfilename == ''):
                    hintfilename = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the hint filename:')
                f =, 'r', config.textfile_encoding)
                R = re.compile(ur'\\]|\|)') # hint or title ends either before | or before ]]
                for pageTitle in R.findall(
            elif arg == '-force':
                globalvar.force = True
            elif arg == '-same':
                globalvar.same = True
            elif arg == '-wiktionary':
                globalvar.same = 'wiktionary'
            elif arg == '-untranslated':
                globalvar.untranslated = True
            elif arg == '-untranslatedonly':
                globalvar.untranslated = True
                globalvar.untranslatedonly = True
            elif arg == '-askhints':
                globalvar.untranslated = True
                globalvar.untranslatedonly = False
                globalvar.askhints = True
            elif arg == '-noauto':
            elif arg == '-hintnobracket':
                globalvar.hintnobracket = True
            elif arg.startswith('-warnfile:'):
                warnfile = arg
            elif arg == '-confirm':
                globalvar.confirm = True
            elif arg == '-select':
       = True
            elif arg == '-autonomous':
                globalvar.autonomous = True
            elif arg == '-noredirect':
                globalvar.followredirect = False
            elif arg == '-initialredirect':
                globalvar.initialredirect = True
            elif arg == '-localonly':
                globalvar.localonly = True
            elif arg == '-limittwo':
                globalvar.limittwo = True
                globalvar.strictlimittwo = True
            elif arg.startswith('-whenneeded'):
                globalvar.limittwo = True
                globalvar.strictlimittwo = False
                    globalvar.needlimit = int(arg)
                except KeyError:
                except ValueError:
            elif arg.startswith('-years'):
                # Look if user gave a specific year at which to start
                # Must be a natural number or negative integer.
                if len(arg) > 7 and (arg.isdigit() or (arg == "-" and arg.isdigit())):
                    startyear = int(arg)
                    startyear = 1
                # avoid problems where year pages link to centuries etc.
                globalvar.followredirect = False
                hintlessPageGen = pagegenerators.YearPageGenerator(startyear)
            elif arg.startswith('-days'):
                if len(arg) > 6 and arg == ':' and arg.isdigit():
                    # Looks as if the user gave a specific month at which to start
                    # Must be a natural number.
                    startMonth = int(arg)
                    startMonth = 1
                hintlessPageGen = pagegenerators.DayPageGenerator(startMonth)
            elif arg.startswith('-new'):
                if len(arg) > 5 and arg == ':' and arg.isdigit():
                    # Looks as if the user gave a specific number of pages
                    newPages = int(arg)
                    newPages = 100
            elif arg.startswith('-skipfile:'):
                skipfile = arg
                skipPageGen = pagegenerators.TextfilePageGenerator(skipfile)
                for page in skipPageGen:
                del skipPageGen
            elif arg == '-skipauto':
                globalvar.skipauto = True
            elif arg == '-restore':
                optRestore = True
            elif arg == '-continue':
                optContinue = True
            elif arg.startswith('-namespace:'):
                except ValueError:
            # deprecated for consistency with other scripts
            elif arg.startswith('-number:'):
                number = int(arg)
            elif arg.startswith('-until:'):
                until = arg
            elif arg.startswith('-neverlink:'):
                globalvar.neverlink += arg.split(",")
            elif arg.startswith('-ignore:'):
                globalvar.ignore += .split(",")]
            elif arg.startswith('-ignorefile:'):
                ignorefile = arg
                ignorePageGen = pagegenerators.TextfilePageGenerator(ignorefile)
                for page in ignorePageGen:
                del ignorePageGen
            elif arg == '-showpage':
                globalvar.showtextlink += globalvar.showtextlinkadd
            elif arg == '-graph':
                # override configuration
                config.interwiki_graph = True
            elif arg == '-bracket':
                globalvar.parenthesesonly = True
            elif arg == '-localright':
                globalvar.followinterwiki = False
            elif arg == '-hintsareright':
                globalvar.hintsareright = True
            elif arg.startswith('-array:'):
                globalvar.minsubjects = int(arg)
            elif arg.startswith('-query:'):
                globalvar.maxquerysize = int(arg)
            elif arg == '-back':
                globalvar.nobackonly = True
                if not genFactory.handleArg(arg):

        # ensure that we don't try to change main page
            site = wikipedia.getSite()
            mainpagename = site.mediawiki_message('mainpage')
            globalvar.skip.add(wikipedia.Page(site, mainpagename))
        except wikipedia.Error:
            wikipedia.output(u'Missing main page name')

        if newPages is not None:
            if len(namespaces) == 0:
                ns = 0 
            elif len(namespaces) == 1:
                ns = namespaces
                if ns != 'all':
                    if isinstance(ns, unicode) or isinstance(ns, str):
                        index = site.getNamespaceIndex(ns)
                        if index is None:
                            raise ValueError(u'Unknown namespace: %s' % ns)
                        ns = index
                namespaces = 
                ns = 'all'
            hintlessPageGen = pagegenerators.NewpagesPageGenerator(newPages, namespace=ns)

        if optRestore or optContinue:
            site = wikipedia.getSite()
            dumpFileName = wikipedia.config.datafilepath(
                                 % (, site.lang))
            hintlessPageGen = pagegenerators.TextfilePageGenerator(dumpFileName)
            if optContinue:
                # We waste this generator to find out the last page's title
                # This is an ugly workaround.
                for page in hintlessPageGen:
                    nextPage = page.titleWithoutNamespace() + '!'
                    namespace = page.namespace()
                except NameError:
                    wikipedia.output(u"Dump file is empty?! Starting at the beginning.")
                    nextPage = "!"
                    namespace = 0
                # old generator is used up, create a new one
                hintlessPageGen = pagegenerators.CombinedPageGenerator()

        bot = InterwikiBot()

        if not hintlessPageGen:
            hintlessPageGen = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator()
        if hintlessPageGen:
            if len(namespaces) > 0:
                hintlessPageGen = pagegenerators.NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(hintlessPageGen, namespaces)
            # we'll use iter() to create make a next() function available.
            bot.setPageGenerator(iter(hintlessPageGen), number = number, until=until)
        elif warnfile:
            # TODO: filter namespaces if -namespace parameter was used
            readWarnfile(warnfile, bot)
            singlePageTitle = ' '.join(singlePageTitle)
            if not singlePageTitle:
                singlePageTitle = wikipedia.input(u'Which page to check:')
            singlePage = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), singlePageTitle)
            bot.add(singlePage, hints = hints)

            except KeyboardInterrupt:
            if globalvar.contentsondisk:
