Description1998 ROC-Taipei.png English: Graphical Depiction of the Election Results of the 1998 Taipei Municipality Mayoral Election. 中文(繁體):1998年中華民國臺北市市長選舉結果圖示...
Fiji, and Vanuatu are helping to enforce a truce, brokered in 1998, between the PNG government and an armed secessionist group on Bougainville. Many...
Description1998 2002 2006 ROC Municipal Election.png English: Graphical depiction of the Municipal Mayor Election Results. Suitable for use for the 1998, 2002 and 2006...
DescriptionTaichung MRT Lines Planned in 1998.png 中文:1997年,臺灣省政府完成「臺中都會區捷運路網細部規劃」,規劃有紅、藍、綠三條路線。 Date 19 May 2009 Source 臺中都會區大眾捷運系統後續路網檢討公聽會簡報 Author 臺北市政府捷運工程局...