10 Ergebnisse gefunden für "Datei:Aiming_bat.ogv".

Datei:Aiming bat.ogv

BY-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue English aiming for bat with transmitter at Kottenforst forrest near City of Bonn, Germany German...


part of the file name is .mid or .ogg (for audio) and .webm or .ogg or .ogv (for video). If not, you would have to download an audio or video converter...

Datei:Preces Sancti Nersetis Clajensis Armeniorum Patriarchae; triginta tribus linguis editae (IA precessanctiners00arme).pdf

d[xapriav inoiYjcra, ndod.v [xov aecrSyjcrev xac ndv [xi\og [xidvag. Kac zki'/]OGV tov e[xz OGl xd %xio[xaxd oov, Kai in£p|3aXXovTco; Y][xapxYiY.6za ...

Datei:Address of the Atlanta register to the people of the Confederate States (IA 24205186.4182.emory.edu).pdf

DOLLAR PER COPY J. ATT.ANTA, GA A. SPERRY/& C^. /f AU-GUSTA^A. GEO. (Si OGv. B. JHTCHK milium Ttri ft li'ii'i f i M ' i'il i ' n n' i...

Datei:"Truths for the million" - hand book & guide to physiology, psychology, physiognomy and phrenology (IA b28088001).pdf

his long and close applic*. ion to tile study of phsenologv and phvsioi.ogv his extensive practice and carefulnefs in private examinations, together...

Datei:American journal of pharmacy (IA americanjournal72phil).pdf

eminently successful one, and this hope was more than realized. Plant Psvchoi.ogv.— In a most interesting article bj' E. Kiister (^//o/A. ]899,pp. 448 and...

Datei:Hesiodi Carmina, recensuit et Commentarius Instruxit, Carolus Goettlingius (IA dli.granth.53681).pdf

Marckscheffelius memor fuit p. 69: e lletaog Ovofia XISQ1011, 0 Via) delay Ogv gromOttevor "EQya yap xat `H.aieceg gypaipe Iseeog njv ploy imatav :sal votwOzatay...

Datei:Victoria Daily Times (1899-01-13) (IA victoriadailytimes18990113).pdf

Stand (for lwy wU**w1. : the above date. t'hlldren M Bed*, threw Baby UarriOgv* j:.We have still aorae vahml.lo «Itemond*. fiery and wn tehee left, which...

Datei:The Forest worker (IA CAT11088243 014).pdf

them are some future foresters. The men who ezpect to receive forestry c-Ogv-ees in J^mej, 1927, number about 230. . . ' In 1912 it v;a,s estimated...

Datei:Victoria Daily Times (1899-07-17) (IA victoriadailytimes18990717).pdf

these two ‘ making one' Video, June SOtli. for Genoa, with 02 coasta juiKM-ogv-r*. ha* 1hi-ii towed for a dlaof (bd finest sites on the Alaskan *' At the...