DescriptionButton comment vote.png MediaWiki toolbar button Date 12 August 2008 Source + Author Rocket000 (source images by Tgr and Topaz) Permission (Reusing...
DescriptionButton pict comment.png Toolbar Button Date 5 April 2008 (upload date) Source Template Button, Image:Pictogram_voting_comment.svg Author Dalibor...
generic. Audience builder Gong-Yoo Audience builder Gong-Yoo Dash-suggest.png NEW When new editors get their contributions reverted because of issues...
experienced editors. Reactive corrector Josef When a user hovers over the edit button, there's a general tool tip explaining what it's for—essentially, giving...
1/10/89% law: 1% of Internet users publish content, 10% participate (comments, votes, ratings) and 89% simply consult the information without intervening...
1/10/89% law: 1% of Internet users publish content, 10% participate (comments, votes, ratings) and 89% simply consult the information without intervening...
CHINESE TESTIFY AT POLICE INQUIRY 0 *Tho ftlfl Centre" (Continued from pngs 1.) P. navis, K.C.. counsel for the *3*. Justice—JiflW fney were Mounted...
Are., Just Off Douglas St. Phone 1903 C.N.R. STATEMENTS (Continued from Png* 1) peg had a deficit laat year of $133,000. -the Macdonald Hotel in Edmonton...
Exchange . Telegraph . dispatch from Strabane, Tyrone. office here is d<png. From present) reports Postmaster TH E W EATH ER, Jacksom says that - the...
Enlistment Act pro respect for their V elew.** but rather of iCeneluded on pngs t) vides that it «hail be » viola non of iittiirn* lhat m,efortune to the...