15248976 1955 20540684 1956 27294347 1957 28782815 1958 26169162 1959 29176005 1960 30131861 1961 35067100 1962 38804871 1963 41012263 1964 43628218 1965 46382724...
9644259 1956 469,0608681 1957 495,9957802 1958 450,9563753 1959 502,7713712 1960 517,8243275 1961 604,2888309 1962 668,6994399 1963 706,7380097 1964 749,7629384...
publication is written in International English. First English edition, November 2015 Production manager: Elke Paul, Heinrich Böll Foundation Other versions...
File:Possible health consequences of day-to-day contact with hormonally active substances in plastics.svg...