DescriptionDe-Alker.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Alker IPA InfoField ˈalkɛʁ Language InfoField German Date 26 January 2022 Source...
DescriptionDe-Alkers.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Alkers IPA InfoField ˈalkɛʁs Language InfoField German Date 26 January 2022 Source...
est one Dr Rd 499 Ogg L n k n rd L nco Co Pio ne er oo ksv ille H y Ha Lan cas ter 499 sv Crook Jessica Cir n Br de kG ts F r ar El il...
of the crew havuig-Btsb-Icff w ithout leave—Poor Dr. Davis and L ieut W alker w ere botli very unwell, hut always at hand with suggestions for th e benefit...
M r ^ ^ I o g g ; T. M a in w a rin g . E sq ; J . H ogg, E sq ; M asters H ogg an d Miss H ogg. O b t h e 28th November, in Lat. lO" 4' N . th e M a...
Winkle, Mrs. I. S . . Van W inkle, Mrs. H. U • Von Rhein, Mrs. O. E . .. W alker, Mrs. F r a n k ....... Wallace, Mrs.................... Webster, Mrs. J...
to |P|atronesses | tak e place in th e club’s new w ere Mrs. H ow ard W alker, ch a ir m an; Mrs. H. E. Betz; Mrs. H. E. hom e. Being a S t. P a t r...
in a sm a ll c loset. J u n g le,” w h ich described w ith much D. Ogg and Mrs. Ogg, D elos H. Sm ith Mrs. C olem an as host and h o ste ss to a c t under...
Heacock J. E . W alker V. E . P H IL P, by the guests, w ho will be sim ilarly w ho w as especially in terested in en B. H. W alker 225 O range St. en...
¡above th e noise of bu rstin g shells and Mrs. Pierson H anning H ow ard W alker dale 1465. 31tf ________________ ________________ Pupil of Thilo Becker...