DescriptionDe-Appalachias.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Appalachias IPA InfoField apaˈlaxi̯as Language InfoField German Date 22 February...
DescriptionDe-Appalachia.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Appalachia IPA InfoField apaˈlaxi̯a Language InfoField German Date 22 February...
bolstering farm prices and reducing program payments. In a ERS report, Webb, Ogg, and Huang have attempted to quantify the magnitude of these effects (15)...
ia t r o ut stream d amaged by priv a t e l ogg in g operations. Tilese inexpensive stream improvement de vices were des i gned by rishe ry Se rv ice...
For exceptional initiative the snack food 7 GEORGE COOPER E. , ogg; Washington,, d.c. For unusual proficiency, industry, and leadership legal...
Washington, U. S. Govt, print, off., 1941. 148.7 AP 77R 1942 Statement of W. R. Ogg, on the Disposal of Surplus Commodities, pp. 105-111. S. . : : . Family...