DescriptionDe-Archon.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Archon", IPA: /ˈaʁçɔn/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin...
DescriptionDe-Archons.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Archons", IPA: /ˈaʁçɔns/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...
DescriptionEn-us-archon.ogg English: Pronunciation of the term "archon." The speaker speaks with a California English accent. Deutsch: Aussprache für...
Alexandria, Antioch, and Damascus — they p. 360, and sometimes alabarch or archon.- No. 2154:. Tav 'lov&aluiv e<rr'iv ™'' 'AXflavSpfwi/ iv yoiiv AlyinTtf...
DescriptionEn-us-archons.ogg English: Pronunciation of the term "archons." The speaker speaks with a California English accent. Deutsch: Aussprache für...
shaded by his hat. Like an old senator of "A bloody Rome that simple Archon sat. cheat ?-^0h, legs and feet!" in wrath young Silas cried And springing...
arms, and, shaded by his hat. Like an old senator of Eome that simple Archon sat. ^' A bloody cheat ? Silas cried .^3 — legs 'Oli, and ''...
flce Almohades. © Amalfi, Italian city, Amasis, — 5fi9 to —6S4. Archons (chief magistrates at Athens), Ardshir I. (often made into Artaxerxes)...
classical conditioned favour stories/myth. Gnostic demiurge class-simulation ARCHONS Vs first posit ideal daoist-qibalah/kabala/KBLH-tribal-communist-chris...