DescriptionDe-Buggys.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Buggys IPA InfoField ˈbaɡis Language InfoField German Date 29 July 2022 Source...
DescriptionDe-Buggy.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Buggy". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin, Germany. Deutsch:...
sseuvrereeininee Mining News: TN: CRI, eg ore sic iio ik oe ewes tha ae ee ree Wen: OGG isso sonics cease eoveeenccees PCy nr er ee Ontario 0.00. shaio-a Gistwiachtere...
tO AconS: Brisbane— Henry Bnckley. Esq; ^Hossra. Ipswich— TTttirll ami Ogg*. Toowoomba— Warwick— education of the Board, HASSELL AND order Offi...
.... ’ .. 26 Ha y hurst............................ ............... 22" Ogg............................ .. .. .................27 SIN KIN COMPETITIONS...
her In the receiving haste; Attorney Snsemihl loaned his line Mrs. Thomas Ogg. Mrs. Frank Al real estate horse for the emergency bright, Mrs. 8. Galloway...
Mrs. M. V. Colburn. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Pierce, ,of Ice cream tables: Mrs. Ogg, Mrs. Pomona, have been recent visitors of- Sanitarium, lost s very valuable...
in time to welcome the new year. Mr. andjj Mrs. Kanouse and Mr. and Mrs. Ogg | will chaperone the party, in which there will be about twenty-five of j...
—one—two—three— stop.” Tho reports of last month, found a true bill against1 Ogg Shaw, of San Francisco, a steam en dressed to the wine and fruit growers...
man, and got One square of ten lines or less, first in Agent for Thomas Ogg Shaw Agri sor. sertion $3 00—each subsequent insertion, nothing for it....