DescriptionDe-Bulldogs.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Bulldogs IPA InfoField ˈbʊldɔks Language InfoField German Date 29 July 2022...
DescriptionDe-Bulldog.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Bulldog". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin, Germany...
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Lake. JESSIE STREET, VICTORIA WESt-One large lot, $375. r-X BEAUMONT bOGGS Beal Estate sud Insurance Agent, F5ri <’ FOR BALK—10 acres good land, on...
gave the Blue its other six joints. Wonderful Past Is Put Into Books by Bulldogs By DAVIS J. W A L SH F o r In te r n a tio n a l N ew s Service m Wr*...
successful. As grades. B ut one m u st ta k e it slow Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Ogg 28. C hurches of Los A ngeles an d advisor, a d m in istra to r, teach er...
g to receiv e p la n e p ilo ted by M arsh a ll F. th e d e p o rtees. H oggs, h ad been • so a rin g a b o u t o v e r P eb b le B each a s G lo ria S...
animated photography"--Edison films catalog. Princeton Tigers vs. Yale Bulldogs, November 14, 1903. The camera was moved to many positions throughout the...