DescriptionDe-Causae.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Causae IPA InfoField ˈkaʊ̯zɛ Language InfoField German Date 28 January 2023 Source...
representative families in Tours: A. of the all parts world are discussed. The Ogg, Frederic Austin. cost of living. W<yrU to-day, Mar. 1910, II. In Europe...
^ijum bon bon bem 9Jtarquiä be s JJtaifon= mit Unterftütjung beä Jper^ogg Karl 2£ilt)elm gferbinanb gegrünbete „#ran= 5ßud)brucferei", beren 3^ed mar...
verius ad Lycurgum referre voluit: nihil enim causae est, cur Plutarcho lidem abrogemus, qui poetam de Po- lydoro et Theopompo haec retulisse testatur;...