DescriptionDe-E-Books.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField E-Books IPA InfoField ˈiːbʊks Language InfoField German Date 27 January 2022...
recordings.PD-1923Public domain in the United States//
first half of the ninth century. {Ogg, Nos. 31-32. Plummer Alfred. ) d. e. f. Norman Conquest, 1066. (Ogg, Nos. 40, 4-1. Freeman r William the...
the ninth century. {Ogg, Nos. Sl-32. Plummer .- Alfred. ) d. Danish conquest, 1017. e. Norman Conquest, 1066. Freeman ( Ogg, Nos. 40, 41William...
Germans the Univ. of Penn. "Translations in or in Ogg. Source 2 of the Book and of Mcdicci'al Ogg, the longer description by gi\'en in i)art.* The...
Catalogue of books ( ) Author Wigan (England). Free Public Library. Reference Dept Title Catalogue of books Volume 8 Publisher Wigan Description Subjects:...
The English catalogue of books ( ) Title The English catalogue of books Publisher New York : Kraus Reprint Corporation Publishers' Circular [etc.]...
Best books on the war; ( ) Author Bacon, Corinne Title Best books on the war; Publisher White Plains, N.Y., The H.W. Wilson company Description Subjects:...
Civilization. Ogg— F. A. Ogg, E Development of Modern Euro, Ogg. Governments— F. A. Ogg. Governmei E -rope [ C— I Ogg Source Bool—F. A. Ogg. Source Book...
Modern Europe. Ogg— F. A. Ogg, Economic Development Europe. A. Ogg, Governments Ogg, Governments — Medieval History. Ogg, Source Book — F. A. Ogg, Source Book...