DescriptionDe-EP.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField EP IPA InfoField eːˈpeː Language InfoField German Date 27 January 2022 Source Own...
I) propr.: a) ogg. anim.: alqm ab aratro, Cic: alqm vi de foro, Liv.: alqm ad cenam, Ter.: alqm in servitutem, Cic: armenta, Ov. b) ogg. inan.: ritirare...
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Pars secunda de scientia Dei media, seu respiciente obiectum contingens conditionatum ( ) Title Pars secunda de scientia Dei media, seu respiciente...
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Burlington, Vt. egg cpses in largo 'volume VIRGiriA @VER^-'0yr E. used 'ogg TA mEY cases , S'.-.ffel k, V- all veg 'table and fruit containers ...
an immigrant inspector found World To-day, Aug. 1906, v. 11, p. 803-07. Ogg, F. A. in Europe A striking account of the manner in which the governments...
10,000 metric tons. The production for 1919-20 ' estimated-' at 5', OGG metric tens' and^s^ths country -.consumes 60,000 metric tons a year this...