DescriptionDe-El Fatah.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField El Fatah IPA InfoField ɛl faˈtax Language InfoField German Date 22 June 2021...
to the B o m b ay Kegutteni n ho > has left a Wife aud u larg e helpless fatah y to d e p tu ic ’ ^-v: .1 bis loss. • I B 0 n v 'b - a p * AR»riv*Ai>l—...
Telefono 1-68 Stallman P'OVenIOA PREZZI DI Ag PATT “ I, j Ocietà | Fatah È socitlo dy Fondi E "Agamvnti tl "ia Ling. ui Ineg 4 Cristallg| i...
mai-aecorto;[-MHt--A90.1» IA Gogige pros de grabujazidhi. ioni danni £°dia tai dfn Qistonetto'. 28 Ger Fatah dea I ci della: elit * “figura che ‘fa0 arlamelecohiri...