DescriptionDe-Gibraltars.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Gibraltars IPA InfoField ɡiˈbʁaltaʁs Language InfoField German Date 23 November...
DescriptionDe-Gibraltar.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Gibraltar". Female voice, recorded by native German speaker from Schleswig-Holstein...
of Strassburg, 842. (Emerton: Europe, pp. 25-28. Ogg, No. 24. Munro, p. 20. Verdun, 843. Meaning. {Ogg, No. 25. Oman: Europe, pp. 409-4-11.) Oaths RISE...
Strassburg, 842. (Emerton: Europe, pp. 25-28. Ogg, No. 24.. Munro, p. 20. ) Verdun, 843. Meaning. (Ogg, No. 25. Oman: Europe, Oaths pp. 4.09-U1V. RISE...
SERIES Edited by FREDEEIC A. OGG University of Wisconsin Introduction to American Government. By Frederic A. Ogg, University of Wisconsin, and P...
SERIES Edited by FEEDEEIC A. OGG University of Wisconsin iNTRODrcnoN TO AiiEBicAX GovEKXiiEXT. By Frederic Ogg, UniTersity of WiscoiLsiii; and...
European plan and is open to the Residence Studio, 240 S. Central Ave. Thomas Ogg, of 14(k South Ken ming. The group took their lunches j chief” and “Ruth...
Wrecking Wçre Shot at De Aar. The Duke nnd Duchés* of ('«rowajl Ar rived at Gibraltar TXi-elay. (Aasorfatc4t Pres*.) Gibraltar, Mardi 2G.—St# ,iner/(>phir...
623 0·50 0•68 1,264 1 1,264 0·08 0·10 5 3,32u 5 a,:125 3 G,OGG 4 6,625 1 --1~ 11,496 IRON, 10-11,988 tons. ITonnare of owned. 554...
th e night in City, eighteen m iles distant from the V. H ogue, Thos. D. Ogg and Mrs. (Special Service to Glendale E vening N ew s) lake, w hence they...