DescriptionDe-Indochinas.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Indochinas IPA InfoField ˌɪndoˈçiːnas Language InfoField German Date 27 January...
DescriptionDe-Französisch-Indochinas.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Französisch-Indochinas", IPA: /fʁanˌt͡søːzɪʃʔɪndoˈçiːnas/...
DescriptionDe-Indochina.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Indochina IPA InfoField ˌɪndoˈçiːna Language InfoField German Date 27 January...
DescriptionDe-Französisch-Indochina.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Französisch-Indochina", IPA: /fʁanˌt͡søːzɪʃʔɪndoˈçiːna/. Male...
Machine Gen Rel iivcicsciisicerninstitictinetiibiciitinia 4,067,177 TR OGG tctiensisittttinenialaaailed 10,694,990 Total Small Arms (Machine Gun ee...
not been severe enough to jeopardize production, according to W. Raymond Ogg, Agricultural Attache, American Embassy, Rome. However, the harvest season...
non solo sempre ‘vn l'aver portato a tante migliaia di infelio! sino ad ogg! creduli ed ineur asnalo, neconseguenti atrool “6 amoli di cul di ni6 mart...
made by France, Norway, and others not normally considered net exporters of oggs. Several Balkan countries are now experiencing their first good year, and...