DescriptionDe-Jahresberichte.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Jahresberichte IPA InfoField ˈjaːʁəsbəˌʁɪçtə Language InfoField German...
DescriptionDe-Jahresberichtes.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Jahresberichtes IPA InfoField ˈjaːʁəsbəˌʁɪçtəs Language InfoField German...
regularly with ore. chemists.” In the recently issued volume of ‘‘ Wagner's Jahresberichte,” | There are, at present, about 1,100 stamps in this district, but...
Analele Academiei Romine anul 1902.C. D.= Codex Dimonie in Weigand's Jahresberichte des Instituts für rumänische Sprache zu Leipzig volumele IV, V, VI.-13...