DescriptionDe-Linoleum.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Linoleum", IPA: /liˈnoːleʊm/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...
DescriptionDe-Linoleums.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Linoleums", IPA: /liˈnoːleʊms/. Male voice, recorded by native...
DescriptionPl-linoleum.ogg English: Polish native pronunciation of « LINOLEUM ». Male voice. Deutsch: Aussprache von « LINOLEUM » durch einen männlichen...
work* We have some new linoleum at the entrance to the Reading Room, and brass strips have been added to much of our old linoleum to prevent tripping over...
an example of what happens every year work here. all Furniture, Rugs, Linoleums, etc., Office 1358 at the Glendale Housefurnishing Co., in the rainy season...
reduc ago th a t it m ade one w ish th a t ful rep ast. A ssisting Mr. T. D. Ogg, P rin cip al Moyes and h is assista n t, tre a tm e n t accorded p resid...
A ctivities of the War and Navy De lin g his bayonet slashing for the neck ceived the assurance of the heartiest Ogg w ill furnish speakers of the partm...
ao .. Bi' Stor io Mo t rey o . Fnnk.lio Se" pi _pal s of Inlaid Linoleum tO out at low. pri . -- .. -.. .. • - .,. ._ ·- • ear•ti ·Ptat...
SALE— 1916 7-passenger Studebaker Four, splendid condition, Rugs, Shades, Linoleum, Furniture 1200 D esigns to Select From at the bargain; can be seen at...
heats which seemed to be reflected in tin* vent, Messrs Mustig. Troup, Ogg »■><* % art.-gated tint effect* of the auto arwhile working. It al 3reen...