10 Ergebnisse gefunden für "Datei:De-Netzes.ogg".


DescriptionDe-Netzes.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Netzes", IPA: /ˈnɛt͡səs/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...


DescriptionDe-IP-Netzes.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "IP-Netzes", IPA: /aɪ̯ˈpiːˌnɛt͡səs/. Male voice, recorded by native...


DescriptionDe-netze.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "netze", IPA: /ˈnɛt͡sə/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...


DescriptionDe-Netze.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Netze", IPA: /ˈnɛt͡sə/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...

Datei:De-netze ein.ogg

DescriptionDe-netze ein.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "netze ein", IPA: /ˌnɛt͡sə ˈaɪ̯n/. Male voice, recorded by native...


DescriptionDe-IP-Netze.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun flection "IP-Netze". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin...


DescriptionDe-U-Bahn-Netzes.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "U-Bahn-Netzes", IPA: /ˈuːbaːnˌnɛt͡səs/. Male voice, recorded...


DescriptionDe-U-Bahn-Netze.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "U-Bahn-Netze", IPA: /ˈuːbaːnˌnɛt͡sə/. Male voice, recorded by...

Datei:Insekten-Börse. Jg. 16, 1899 (IA insektenborse161899leip).pdf

ausgerüstet, den beiden Zoologen Ogilvie-Grant vom Britischen Museum und — Ogg Forbes vom 8 Liverpooler Museum, welche die Leitung haben, — Endlich...

Datei:Der ADB Podcast -002 - Das Digitalgeschehen des Bundestags.ogg

html Strategiepapier für resiliente Netze der Bundesnetzagentur: https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Fachthemen/Telekommunikation/Resilienz/start...