DescriptionDe-Odels.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Odels", IPA: /ˈoːdl̩s/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...
DescriptionDe-odel.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "odel", IPA: /ˈoːdl̩/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...
DescriptionDe-Odel.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Odel". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin, Germany. Deutsch:...
A ctivities of the War and Navy De lin g his bayonet slashing for the neck ceived the assurance of the heartiest Ogg w ill furnish speakers of the partm...
Christmas Eve. Those ready for test. The following demands previously D. Ogg, 149 S. Kenwood street, in-j supply is short. The garrison, it is said, cannot...
si nel foglio uf odel governo îèseano io sora di Fir e, 7 corr ata ie sel Lo Satuto ba di Mi vico detto. i iberato all novità de quei: Consiglio Hot;...
the tin k le of for a fine m o d ern home on San R a ton an d Thom as D. Ogg. T h e recep t h a t congress should have no h esita th e canyon is about...
Sociology Specialist Wallace "There has been a revolution in the American Ogg way fold of life a Family Life Institute must plan to meet the challenge...
as P resid en t, Mr. W. It is now a critical period both He saw Thom as Ogg w hile th ere (Special Service to Glendale Evening News) Stew ard. iW. Lee...
D uet O th a t we tw o w ere M aying Mr. Condit, Miss Isg rig Thos. D. Ogg of 149 S outh K en wood stre e t, G lendale, who is of a com m on-sense...