DescriptionDe-Säufers.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Säufers", IPA: /ˈzɔɪ̯fɐs/. Male voice, recorded by native German...
DescriptionDe-Säufer.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Säufer", IPA: /ˈzɔɪ̯fɐ/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from...
bereite 9tufe§, funftretdje SMfter gu bergen; §u 9^oß rühmen (®ein ^er^ogg bem ben SBrübetpaareS erfährt. (£tlua gerjU in= fdjrtftltd) beglaubigte...
J.G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung Description 6 v. in 4 Translation of: Vite de' più eccellenti architetti, pittori et scultori italiani Subjects: Artists...