DescriptionDe-Sarnias.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Sarnias". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin...
DescriptionDe-Sarnia.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Sarnia". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin, Germany...
J. Meloux Nunan, Denis Nelles, David A Oakley, William D O'Neil, Edward Ogg, Alexander Stark O'Reilly Gerald Orr, Bowland B Stratford Stratford Brantford...
John De Mot*, Orange Cove. Cal.; Mrs. John de Mots, orange Cove; Edward da Mots, orange Cove; Dr. James O. Ogg, Sioux Centre. la.; Mrs. Jame* G Ogg, Sioux...
DescriptionPl-Sarnia.ogg English: Polish native pronunciation of « SARNIA ». Male voice. Deutsch: Aussprache von « SARNIA » durch einen männlichen polnischen...
Railway Co Bering 11.381 Devc.'ix n Dcv 99 11.4,57 n m. ng 050 ogg i v. Tlio V. Farl of Winchelsea J'Auson .Thornton ; Dewiy V. Dobell...
von Hafe. S. S. Dornan. A. H. Reid. Prof. J. Orr, J. Van Gomes. Ogg, M.A., B.Sc., Prof. A. Brown, A. E. H. Dinham-Peren. E. E. Kanthack, M.I...
‘epirdorirono ibi 'offerta alle” asaibstta det ‘1991. | portaPricavelto ogg 116) rina" i Bert i8471- consone “ai dinptettea fraquel. Bi ehe, roridatta:...
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