DescriptionDe-Soap.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Soap", IPA: /sɔʊ̯p/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin...
DescriptionDe-Soaps.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Soaps", IPA: /ˈsɔʊ̯ps/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...
Water-insoluble esters and amides. By C. D. Badgett, Provost, Jr., Clyde L. Ogg, and C,F. Woodward. _Amer. Nicotinic' acid. Raymond C . ; Chem. Soc...
organic microchemistrv published during the past year (1950). 531 Ogg, 532 Ogg, Ricciuti, Constantine and Connelly, J. A, Willits, C, O. L. CRODETERMfNATI...
By C. 0. Willits, M. L. Swain, and C. L. Ogg. Analyt. Ed. 18(7): 439-442. 1946. . Determination of rubber Ogg, V £. 29(4): 370-3"?. C. L. . ' in. ...
mixture. Superheating the mixture also increases the reaction rate. 422 Ogg, 423 Ogg, 424 Peterson, C. L., V^illits, C. 0., andRicciuti, C. Effect of...
and .Sulpliai|ua Soap Sunshine Motor Co., Melbourne Vnn Ilouten's Cocoa ... Vi«po-Cresoleno, New York VapoCresolene Vinolift Soap Co., Sydney Whitehead...
Present: Mr. Lacey held on March 13. nabeal. and Messrs. Bailey, Francis, Ogg, and Strutt. An apology was received from Mr. Towl. From Mr. Joseph Correspondence...
on the viscosity are deCorrelation of viscosity and starch granule swelling is scribed. made through photomicrographs. 638 Ogg, C. L. REPORT ON Ml...
crrtons for retail srlcs has been steadily increasing 'vrith the grov/th of ogg grading according to quality and size and v/ith' the steady increase in self-service...