DescriptionDe-Suff.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Suff", IPA: /zʊf/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin,...
DescriptionDe-Suffs.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Suffs", IPA: /zʊfs/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...
dadh got. ded- etc.) + suff. f^io- gebildet, was das dorische T£d-(.i6g beweist; do'^a ist eine Weiterbildung durch suff. a von einem dem lat. decus-...
during the b-^king. If preferrA four pound chicken requires about 1-|- hours. suff iciently cooked, heated provided ed this metfeod of baking chicken can bo...
a;J~r<!lkns on I.:st th~ WJrk.,;r Pcas .mt G)v~rnm;nt .n Russ.a g .th . r suff.c,ent s tf..;ngt"h to inlJf..:SS Pol..tnd of tit; hJ )e\ of ILf, Potwd's...
Marıe 696enhardt barl 70Gißeu Mathias uRode Gottlieb 2200t ogg Chas 241Ramt Jugem 24 Roomban DE 68Fuchs Ernſt 23Rujek Jan T1®iajer Karl 7eGniady Symon...
jungen Prinzen pabe bie Sogen gelben nnb ©öfter; ©ecoration, bie bie Suff grbtfcpen in ben |)im met gehoben merben!" minber uttb mir giebt, grauen...
Sevilla auf berSKeif begleitet würbe. ©cn 25. langte fte juPardo einem nigl. SuffÄtauf; an, ba 3bro Miapeft. ber 'Jdrmß aus Spanien unbbeobenamiri Donna Clara...
And Yet lay! Here, Hubert, bring the silver bowl, and fill it quantum suff. I'll make a shift to drain it yet, ere I part with boots and buff- Though...
Dyke, Ernest Thompson-Seton and twenty-four others of similar standing, is suff- cient guarantee of its merit. If you have a youngster, or if you have...