DescriptionDe-TSK.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German abbreviation "TSK", IPA: /teːʔɛsˈkaː/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...
Sihe/ierTcwn, on A. drof^, Day Fcuitetrth Y(sr " lyii... !>.. P^ritjon. this ii^fb ; . an'i ; of ineir undiv^de.^ La:id. ihe laid Conimltte...
oo dy . ~;..r for the lat fou r yeus 11) the nallle of de IlIOl rLlCy, li bl rty a lld the tsk.b li shment of 'a sLb le G. lld Lst, ng peace betwee n...
tal of 1 8 0 ,-1in th e columns of th e G lendale Even- ranch in th e o u tsk irts of G lendale, and who w orks indu strio u sly am ong relatives of the...
here last night and fo u r teen injured as result of the raid on the o u tsk irts of this city by the Germ an Zeppelins. The statem ent made in Berlin...
drive was served by th e lad ies of th e G lendale L u th e ran Church. Mr. Ogg, ch airm an of sp eak ers, was in his usual happy fram e of mind and made...
the P ublic in g en e subjects, in any of tlie te rrito rie s w hich ’ral TSkX a» are hereby inform ed, th a t V is it in g now are subject to , or dependent...
of th e p e titio n H. E. B a rtle tt, 101 S. B ran d . here on the o u tsk irts of A lbert, sixteen miles away. H ere the en 5 th — All av en u es...