DescriptionDe-Wifo.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Wifo IPA InfoField ˈviːfo Language InfoField German Date 28 January 2023 Source...
DescriptionDe-WIFO.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung IPA InfoField ˈviːfo Language...
DescriptionDe-WIFOs.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "WIFOs", IPA: /ˈviːfos/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...
DescriptionDe-Wifos.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Wifos", IPA: /ˈviːfos/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...
son;-* :ri ' , nt Isaac ' Brazilian V3n " .jjr. December, wifo of Mr. •' de£ music and Book, PARTMENT:— . the o: D.^Harrison HARBISOHv—On...
Dealers la BOOTS 1-tf No. 144 J street, Sacramento. $ S T Agent for Thomas Ogg Shaw Agri cultural Impliments. E. P . F I G G , C O M M ISSIO N M ERC H...
a t an y iu d iv id u d w ho A t Mazagoii, M arch 31st, M ary Elizabeth, wifo of •lileanor Lan M ajor E ldred Pottinger, of the Bombay Artillery. should...
fluke, with notes of two cases in which a Chiuoso missionary and his wifo wore the , xd * « c«hr|dni i>;,i«oA «l«iji 'V .«iiif4lf '' trt«{*>rj3...
of the Atlantic or thls,i the name and family of and of the births of wifo,^ the dates of his marriage his children, 2 can ho only matters conjecture...
exceed one square. 1-tf No. 144 J street, Sacramento. jfcg- Agent for Thomas Ogg Shaw Agri cultural Impliments. E. P . F I G G , COMMISSION MERCHANT, Haxall...