DescriptionDe-firniss.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField firniss IPA InfoField ˈfɪʁnɪs Language InfoField German Date 26 October 2021...
DescriptionDe-firniss aus.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField firniss aus IPA InfoField ˌfɪʁnɪs ˈaʊ̯s Language InfoField German Date 26...
himself, and he wanted the letter to be given to the coachman to Miss Firniss's school in the morning. There was a craving which he would not account...
étaient dé- pourvus de, consolationspour elle. Même chez miss Firniss, elle avait souvent désiré d'autres livres renfermantquelque chose de moins élémentaire;...
he wanted the letter to be given to the coachman to deliver at Miss Firniss's school in the morning. There was a craving which be would not account...