DescriptionDe-hast vor.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField hast vor IPA InfoField ˌhast ˈfoːɐ̯ Language InfoField German Date 21 March...
Bog og din Pen. Vi have en Moder. De have et Lys. Have de et Lys? 13. I have thy book. Hast thou my pen? Thou hast my little pen. Has he a small hand...
har din Bog og din Pen. Vi have en Moder. De have et Lys. Have de et Lys? 13. Hast thou my pen? Thou hast my have thy book. Has he a small hand? He has... Wikimedia Commons – ein Wikimedia-Projekt „Stell dir eine Welt vor, in der das gesamte Wissen der Menschheit jedem frei zugänglich ist. Das...
»du hast uns behütet«; Fib 25 153^ »du hast mich verlassen«; amtzakanna P. 70 (= hnhii^), auch getrübt anitzachennl ib. {hn'tM'C ) »du hast gefastet«;...
.................. “© Relief Corps—Middle District Ary of Potomac20 > + ogg Seta eae ‘ « ‘¢ 580 690 390 Reports betiehhs'tAgerits 0 OO aa ‘Lower District...
Disputationes de baptismo Christi usque ad passionem ( ) Title Ex novo et Veteri Testamento quaestiones perdifficiles Scripturae ; Disputationes de baptismo...
Lionel 1884. Forbes, ; ; Indian Museum, Calcutta, Kandy, Ceylon. Hknry Ogg, LL.D., F.Z.S. Free Public Museums, ; Liverpool. 1880. Foster, William;...
345. farmer* is that if the strike ismtiniiea toria. B. ('.. 08; lient. Ogg. tinelph. 82; way by those on the tender on the Em the next thirty day*...
Dealers la BOOTS 1-tf No. 144 J street, Sacramento. $ S T Agent for Thomas Ogg Shaw Agri cultural Impliments. E. P . F I G G , C O M M ISSIO N M ERC H...