DescriptionDe-haue ab.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField haue ab IPA InfoField ˌhaʊ̯ə ˈap Language InfoField German Date 21 March 2021...
the 2* of the 11 th mo 1636 De Lands r Hewlett m r Vinsent & 2 others of Saugus moueing : m had accomodations to haue att Marble Head had their an-...
(Kapitulation anbercr 3>fili<$fdjer Orte, brachen bie SBiberftaubSfraft beg §er§ogg rafcper, atg man eg nach ben gitnfltgen Slufpicien, unter beiten ber Stampf...
S5an5 jtc S)aö Haue SDie i^u^clfclinede. Le Cordon bleu. Gebande Ajuyn Slyk-Slekken. : £)c^j! 6fauc ^Jaiibcc |af.) Oeil de Boeuf. 5>^rttt5o|...
licenza de^ Supertorf. fpefedi Francefco Leone Librare in Piazza Madama» ^/ v • - .'Oti Em/"^ e KmJ^ Prencipe. MA à piìi ragione ogg^chc ne'...
detalles Contenidos Contenido:1.[-De praesentia rerum coram Deo-].2.[-De cognitione divina futurorum-].3.[h.21v] -Tractatus de virtutibus theologicis iuxta...
и кнези СЕ раше се В коупь, на га и на ха его. 3. Растргнем Фузи нхв н Ogg aka 8 нась Hl HYh. PSAL. III. IV. 3 5. l'AacoA моимьо кк FRE E'SRAyh...
Gramática latina Description Más detalles Fecha de creación 16?? Formato 141 fol.; 8o; Fuente Catálogo de la biblioteca SIGNATURA A 331/111 <a href="https://fama...
Lodotiico Dolce* PRO-» OGG. 5 Peccatori, egli fi troua vna forte d huomiai ; i quali voglio¬ no efler tenuti di laper più de gliajxr,,a® fanno m?no...
louc of worldly wealth, and reare of death difmaiJc, \ his lyfc and good«,haue kept ftill as hisowne, of grace wherein he ftoodr.wasalmoft ouerthrownc:...