DescriptionDe-irrige.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField irrige IPA InfoField ˈɪʁɪɡə Language InfoField German Date 29 January 2021 Source...
DescriptionDe-irriges.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField irriges IPA InfoField ˈɪʁɪɡəs Language InfoField German Date 29 January 2021...
the needs of -fehc entire State, On thu coiLmitto<- are represented the irrige.tion interests, the stock growers, the luiiD jr industry, the merchants...
historica gu mar. ^n emer änbem gu bergleid)en unb eine tteinigfeit, etma eine irrige Qnterpunftion , öbntiÄ günftigen Sage mar ben g?eid)§tag§a!ten, nommen...