DescriptionDe-kebs.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField kebs IPA InfoField keːps Language InfoField German Date 28 January 2023 Source Own...
tO AconS: Brisbane— Henry Bnckley. Esq; ^Hossra. Ipswich— TTttirll ami Ogg*. Toowoomba— Warwick— education of the Board, HASSELL AND order Offi...
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Eienbclfe. [Goilttrind. Acquittance, <t^Evitt<tlt8z ei^ 'Acre, ccElec•/ eii S)ogg ifilco' nin^, et ^longg £«nb out S^f^t^cit, 484'oQoabrat Slavv^^/ g^ntb til...
éten t^ JMtti*rij\ Dmiderjag De Akten v»n het NB. i& -ttafvafoetietfc sa var.- de Gecoi-ibtuëfirdi Ma gten, in de Koamkllme Courant geplaatst, zijn...