DescriptionDe-langet.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "langet", IPA: /ˈlaŋət/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...
DescriptionDe-länget.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "länget", IPA: /ˈlɛŋət/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...
DescriptionDe-langet an.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "langet an", IPA: /ˌlaŋət ˈan/. Male voice, recorded by native...
DescriptionDe-langet zu.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "langet zu", IPA: /ˌlaŋət ˈt͡suː/. Male voice, recorded by native...
DescriptionDe-langet hoch.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField langet hoch IPA InfoField ˌlaŋət ˈhoːx Language InfoField German Date 28...
DescriptionDe-langet ein.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField langet ein IPA InfoField ˌlaŋət ˈaɪ̯n Language InfoField German Date 23 April...
unö 9Jlanbotinen gitterte unb gupfte es ber „Srobatore" fiep ein langet SJtenu bie „Santa Sucia" gu uns non unb fcpöiter fiep f. icp ein...
©corpion mit langet orangcfärbigei: Sti'ombus. Linn. XII. : 9^afe. grmijiJtTfcf; : Scorpion orange. Scrpion non goutteux^ Scorpion Crochet de Macelot...
f;ilippe (f^arröd; feine ffiÄtet ^aben tem ^of)en ^aufc ©urct .^o^eit feit länget ali jn)el(;unbert 3a^* Ten treu gebleut; er if! bcr (?injigc, ber 3^nen...