DescriptionDe-nech.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "nech". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin, Germany...
DescriptionDe-So ist das heutzutage, nech?.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "So ist das heutzutage, nech?". Male voice, recorded by...
comolta, scamíí triu nTnluaidi: acht mad oinsessior nama ní ma[i]r nech dTouli, a Giíaire! 4. OnmH ocus Lugiia Laidgen ocas ata cecliturde Marban...
pre- iègherà al'sedolo vantesino, questo dato. sì ‘preaenta subita: gli nech!, i capelli & I denti sono le vittime più compassio: nasali dei progressi...
fafjen, 3n Bebrängten! baS 0ieia) in Werth, bafc iDeutfc^lanb ba§ ju nech ber Sl^at friegerif c^e unbewegliche unb f überfällige, härter Büjjen...
1921. In. Se.h*°l JteltL cvyht fa t<e ,i cJoc) because he h*s Si/ch S d. ogg ufc X inis Catherine Kirkpatrick Elbert Dwight Apple Armstrong Age 17...
domieTat in str. Dorobantii Noi.Nr. 174; S. Nech',.. forescu, domienat in 'Braila, str. Ro- sumei de lei 63.624, datorati inipo- sentintei s' in unire...