10 Ergebnisse gefunden für "Datei:De-olf.ogg".


DescriptionDe-olf.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "olf". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin, Germany. Deutsch:...


DescriptionDe-Olfs.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Olfs". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin, Germany...

Datei:Historische Novellen - (IA historischenovel11hilt).pdf

gnäbigen ^^errn ©d;)u^, atfo iDenn Q^r ^anb an i^n legt, feib i^r be^ .^er^ogg ^einbe/' „'3)a fei (S)ott )ooxl'' entgegnete ber <Sd)uI}mad)er. „2Sir ...

Datei:Oregon House District 54.pdf

ke La NE Kearney Ave St nd Bo id p Loo lon can s-S d Brook ing R L ogg ty NE Marshall Ave NW Irving NW Arizona Av e Cyber NE Revere Ave Brad...

Datei:Ommelander courant 24-09-1802 (IA ddd 010215558 mpeg21).pdf

lüi.DS. Fn__-fe_. _ogg u i __inSS JfS... .£ Z. ~ i,«si-,ïl',J2- do r zo en a's Bos, en kerini's - Pryzen der Granen enz. op de Koorn-Beurs te.Amfterdam...

Datei:Trade price list of choice gladioli, lilies, iris and hardy perennials, grown by John Lewis Childs (IA tradepricelistof00john).pdf

beautifully shading olf to carmine distinct white band in each petal, and white blotch LcToummIu -Light red; white blotch i Lc**ep* (de) -Ch ar white ground;...

Datei:Traite de Chimie Generale, Analytique Industrielle et Agricole, 3rd ed., Vol. VI (IA dli.granth.53219).pdf

Traite de Chimie Generale, Analytique Industrielle et Agricole, 3rd ed., Vol. VI   (  ) Author Pelouze, J. Fremy, E. Title Traite de Chimie Generale,...

Datei:An abridged history of England and condensed chronology, from the time of the ancient Britons to the reign of Queen Victoria; (IA abridgedhistoryo00mcca).pdf

Saxon Rule Restored 43 1U42— lOGG. Edward the Confessor 43-49 49-53 lUCC. Harold II lOGG— 1154. The Norman Rule lOGG— 1087. -William 1087—1100. William...

Datei:The poetical works of John Greenleaf Whittier (IA poeticalworksofj0000whit d5m4).pdf

never trembled yet knife. \Yherever his eve or his foot was setPart tl/OGG ME GOA Meeone hath his knife and hatchet and For he hates the race from whence...

Datei:Il Friuli giornale politico-amministrativo-letterario-commerciale n. 63 (1900) (IA IlFriuli-63 1900).pdf

minima: i; ipo Mirosi ® fonti fia e na gi 1a”(rsu +; ni _ "11, 1% ogg a: L puitaienax Ju, CISRE? i I paipitoa,all'aperto sBeBpiaF "Want ‘stoderati'Bra...