DescriptionDe-oute.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "oute", IPA: /ˈaʊ̯tə/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...
chieffc jiilot of Spayne, was sent oute of England by the said king, with two shippes, to fynd oute the passage oute of the Northe Sea unto the South,...
agricultural colleges, has greatly increased the activity of the Library. Ogg of the American Farm Bureau Federation recently prepated in the Economic...
A ctivities of the War and Navy De lin g his bayonet slashing for the neck ceived the assurance of the heartiest Ogg w ill furnish speakers of the partm...
CGS 00. FFI OF C&Z 00 €&@ 00 OZ 00 OGG 00 €&zZ 00 €T 00 OGG CO §T 00 OGG 100 OGG 00 0GZ 00 OGG 00 §T 00 OGG 00 OGG 00 066 00 OZ 00 C&G CO 8& O08 CGS 00...
Deplorable Condition of German Coal-Miners GENERAL MINING : News: ogg |OFC dies out in it ; but there is no seam to give a sharp separation.” ...
th e night in City, eighteen m iles distant from the V. H ogue, Thos. D. Ogg and Mrs. (Special Service to Glendale E vening N ew s) lake, w hence they...
Les Lois de la procédure civile dans la province de Québec [microforme] ( ) Author Doutre, Gonzalve, 1842-1880 Québec (Province) Code de procédure civile...
foldjen ^5Iänen nid)t gefä^rti(i) !am ba^er man unb i?ergröfert be^ <^er§ogg, p jief)en. 3:l)omaö ^rince voax jebcd) aU feinen 2)tpIo* b'iefen (S5raf...
th alc o h o lic o n lv o n e o u t o f six Miss Jen k en s— Mrs. Thom as Ogg. i fast around C alipatria and th a t t h e ] — ^ ------- — j A country w...