DescriptionDe-relevant.ogg Deutsch: Aussprachebeispiel des deutschen Wortes "relevant". Männliche Stimme, aufgenommen von deutschem Muttersprachler aus...
releasing "Eternal Flame" Chelyuskintsev Square French Yaroslavl.- Cadets relevant flamme éternelle Place Chelyuskintsev URL: https://commons.wikimedia...
the best of our knowledge, all the files published on this site are only relevant to public domain music; otherwise we have obtained proper authorization...
DescriptionDe-relevanter.ogg Deutsch: Aussprachebeispiel des deutschen Wortes "relevanter". Männliche Stimme, aufgenommen von deutschem Muttersprachler...
DescriptionDe-relevantes.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German adjective inflection "relevantes", IPA: /ʁɛləˈvantəs/. Male voice, recorded by...
DescriptionDe-relevanter Merkmale.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField relevanter Merkmale IPA InfoField ʁeleˌvantɐ ˈmɛʁkˌmaːlɐ Language...
DescriptionDe-relevantes Merkmal.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German word combination "relevantes Merkmal", IPA: /ʁɛleˈvantəs ˈmɛʁkˌmaːl/....
DescriptionDe-relevantes Merkmal2.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German word combination "relevantes Merkmal", IPA: /ʁeleˈvantəs ˈmɛʁkˌmaːl/....
the best of our knowledge, all the files published on this site are only relevant to public domain music; otherwise we have obtained proper authorization...
This file was automatically converted to the OGG format. File name: File:Blue skies on a sunny afternoon.ogg Other information: (free wikitext field) Sky...