DescriptionDe-rühr fort.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField rühr fort IPA InfoField ˌʁyːɐ̯ ˈfɔʁt Language InfoField German Date 23 March...
John De Mot*, Orange Cove. Cal.; Mrs. John de Mots, orange Cove; Edward da Mots, orange Cove; Dr. James O. Ogg, Sioux Centre. la.; Mrs. Jame* G Ogg, Sioux...
er oon feuern §ur Strafe, als mären, ©ried)ifd) *$latbolifd)en, über rühr oerfudjen möchten. 9 amanjig Saufenb jählten. biefe 3a{)l ferner polnifcpe...
na tionals during the disturbances tx>' Ud. curring in that city. 64^or^^OggJ>rjj^J»horuM»4* Men’s Solid Leathe# Work Boots $3.95 B.C. Granulated Sugar...