5 Ergebnisse gefunden für "Datei:De-wimple.ogg".


DescriptionDe-wimple.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "wimple", IPA: /ˈvɪmplə/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...

Datei:List of State Directors of Farmers' Institutes and Farmers' Institute Lecturers of the United States (IA listofstatedirec105unit).pdf

York Wilson, R. F., Valliant, Okla. Wilson, T. B., Halls Corners, N. Y. Wimple, A. J., Beresford, S. Dak. Wing, Joseph E., Mechanicsburg, Ohio. *Wing,...

Datei:List of State Directors of Farmers' Institutes and Farmers' Institute Lecturers of the United States (IA listofstatedirec114unit).pdf

Mont. Wilson, R. F., Oklahoma City, Okla. Wilson, T. B., Hall, X. Y. Wimple, A. J., Beresford, S. Dak. Wing, H. H., Ithaca, X. Y. Winter, H. A., Wenona...

Datei:Victoria Daily Times (1914-11-28) (IA victoriadailytimes19141128).pdf

mld*t of the GerIn making the presentation. Presl dent Poincare said the wimple medal n .'n lines and had tnk» n refuge at a which was the emblem of the...

Datei:Century readings for a course in English literature (IA centuryreadingsf01cunl).pdf

Gat-tothed was she, soothly for to seye. Up-on an amblere esily she sat, Y-wimpled w^\, and on hir heed an hat 470 As brood as is a bokeler or a targe; foot-mantel...