Street, During .April, thanks to the enterprise of the Dublin Arts Club, those of the Dublin public interested in such matters have had an opportunity...
has more distinguished itself in the Church, Field and Senate. (See Hew Png. Genealogical Register.) Grandf. a U.E. Loyalist; removed to Can. and settled...
collected, with a life of the author and an account of his writings Publisher Dublin, Hodges, Smith Description The metadata below describe the original scanning...
*Eid the House had already had a discusaion, whether the lat, without pled|png the GoTemmeot aa to the couiae it would purlMi should be “fifteeu" or “twenty**...
MACKENZIE KING Sinn Feiner Slain in Dublin Hostelry Members of B. C, Cabinet To Be on Liberal Leader’s Platform Dublin, Sept. 22.—County Councillor Lynch...
Jbajflg “aed along similar dog-in-the-manger lines t<. destroy neutral ship!png without regard to Ite Imployment In order to weaken prospective neutral competi...
o’clock Sunday morning and by noon formed him that'" Trains - • weeepted -v^png With my consent. I*ragressives elected In Alberta, who uments being erected...
Sir Leicefter, John,Bart. Grofvenor -fquare Bart. P. Grofvenor Sir M. J-png, James -JTylney, place P Laurent, Sir Francis, Kt, * JL.e'yes, Sir Watkin...
party. U you deduct out of the total the numbers of the old (Concluded on pngs ST) The total Immigration during the month was 3290, as against 2183 in...