Publication date 13 July 2018 Source PDF:
imidacloprid, pencycuron and zeta-cypermethrin (Text with EEA relevance) Publication date 5 November 2020 Source
Description1-s2.0-S221322442100119X-main.pdf English: Diversity of intestinal protozoa and clinical signs associated in wild-caught Phoneutria nigriventer...
of the structures of bimetallic Ag–Au and Cu–Au clusters up to 108 atoms.pdf English: Du, Rongbin; Tang, Sai; Wu, Xia; Xu, Yiqing; Chen, Run; Liu, Tao...
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Chinese herbal medicine growth.pdf English: Gao, Jiande; Liu, Jin; Peng, Hui; Wang, Yaya; Cheng, Sha; Lei, Ziqiang (2018). "Preparation of a low-cost and...
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the transfer of late sensory information in the corticothalamic network.pdf English: In prodromal and early schizophrenia, disorders of attention and...