DescriptionEarth with Moon ScaledTo Basketball-Rockets full-court.png English: If the Moon is scaled down to the size of an NBA basketball, 9.45 inches...
DescriptionEarth with Moon ScaledTo Basketball-Rockets full court.png English: If the Moon is scaled down to the size of an NBA basketball, 9.45 inches...
DescriptionEarth-Moon ScaledTo Basketball-Tennisball.png English: If the Earth is scaled down to the size of a basketball, then the Moon is exactly the...
DescriptionSunMercuryVenusEarthMoon-Rockets full-court.png English: If the Sun is scaled down to the size of an NBA basketball, 9.45 inches in diameter...
system scaled to a basketball court, see: File:SunMercuryVenusEarthMoon-Rockets full-court.png Date 7 May 2012 Source File:Solar System size to scale.svg...
system scaled to a basketball court, see: File:SunMercuryVenusEarthMoon-Rockets full-court.png Date 8 May 2012 Source File:Solar System scaled to a football...