of a Fibonacci heap. Marked vertices are shown in blue. Copyright Brona. Original LaTeX/pstricks sources stored at User:Brona/Images/fibonacci_heap.tex...
All following user names refer to en.wikipedia. Fibonacci heap from image Image:Fibonacci heap.png after extract minimum operation. When the first phase...
All following user names refer to en.wikipedia. Fibonacci heap from image Image:Fibonacci heap.png after decreasing key of node 9 to 0. This node as...
All following user names refer to en.wikipedia. Fibonacci heap from image Image:Fibonacci heap.png after first phase of extract minimum operation. Node...
DescriptionStrict Fibonacci heap.png English: An example strict Fibonacci heap Date 20 April 2024 Source Own work Author IntGrah...
Description12 node strict Fibonacci Heap.png English: Fibonacci heap with 12 nodes, showcasing active roots, passive linkable nodes, and passive non-linkable...
DescriptionFib heap.png This file has no description, and may be lacking other information. Please provide a meaningful description of this file. Date...