DescriptionFrance cities.png English: Map of Metropolitan French cities (agglomerations > 100,000 inhabitants on 1999 census). Français : Carte des villes...
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art. German Amerikanischer Krieg 1851 French Washington Crossing the Delaware « Washington traversant le Delaware »,...
Vatican City is too small so no flag because it's hard to put on it 2217 741 45 36 2400 1200 New Caledonia is a Territory of France and the French Flag is...
Blank map of France ; Source : Image:France_cities.png made by David Monniaux ; This version : By Sting. fr : Sujet : Carte vierge de la France ; Source :...
(158397 Bytes) '''en :''' '''Subject :''' Blank map of France ; '''Source :''' [[:Image:France_cities.png]] made by [[User:David.Monniaux|David Monniaux]] ;...
vatikan kutsal şehir 🇻🇦⛪️🤴🕍 Polish Map detailing the layout of the Vatican City State including its borders, architectural structures and extraterritorial...
Nepomuk sur un fond de carte Wiki common ( France cities.png) Picture taken from Commons ( France cities.png) and modified by Nepomuk English Spanish mapa...
1.0falsefalse English Train running on Dale Creek Iron Viaduct, Wyoming French Train sur viaduc par Charles Roscoe Savage, le britanno-américain qui photographia...
map: I started with France_blank.png. Then I looked at the Tour schedule, and placed a 100% black circle, radius 11px, on all the cities where a stage started/ended...
(158397 Bytes) '''en :''' '''Subject :''' Blank map of France ; '''Source :''' [[:Image:France_cities.png]] made by [[User:David.Monniaux|David Monniaux]] ;...