Henryk Fihauser (1801-1858) at Fihauser Manor, more recently referred to as ‘Dwór Habichtów’ or ‘Dwór Bednarskich’, situated on the outskirts of Gdów...
of Eleonora Fihauser née Lanckorońska (1777-1850) - the painting, on stretched hide, remains in the former Fihauser Manor at Fałkowice, Gdów Wikimedia username:...
DescriptionGdów Manor 26 - Dwór Bednarskich.jpg English: Gdów Manor, reduced in size from the original construction and formerly referred to as Fihauser Manor (more...
DescriptionGdów Manor 09 - Dwór Bednarskich.jpg English: Gdów Manor, reduced in size from the original construction and formerly referred to as Fihauser Manor (more...