10 Ergebnisse gefunden für "Datei:Lb-evident.ogg".


DescriptionLb-evident.ogg English: Pronunciation of the word "evident" in Luxembourgish. Male voice. Français : Prononciation du mot "evident" en luxembourgeois...

Datei:Poultry and egg situation. PES (IA poultryeggsituat138unit).pdf

received urgently neoded food imports through the assitance Theso may increase ogg production. Larger domestic production and imports arc needed 'to case the...

Datei:Poultry and egg situation. PES (IA poultryeggsituat145unit).pdf

a : C percent: percent total :Mil.lb. Mil. lb. Mil. lb. Mil. lb. Percent Mil. lb. Mil. lb. Mil. lb. Mil. lb. Percent : ! ! : : :of total: 1942...

Datei:Poultry and egg situation. PES (IA poultryeggsituat36unit).pdf

delohia, Soston) Year lb. Week ending as of I939 Nov. Oct. U IS 28 11 21 25 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. 6,252 7,366 7,^79...

Datei:Spotlight on foreign marketing (IA SER73920179001).pdf

a 3-lb bird on 25$ less feed than pre-World War II. Additives in feeds are inexpensive, increase efficiency greatly. Economic effects are evident. For...

Datei:The Glendale Evening News 1917-01-30 (IA cgl 003070).pdf

congress of I M essrs. Thos. D. Ogg, T. W . P re sto n , T he m em ory of his gran d c h a r a c - ' I t is evident th a t he w ill have a h ard th ese...

Datei:Poultry and egg situation. PES (IA poultryeggsituat117unit).pdf

e-?:g nths of dell very : : . I'll lb. :-:ii. Mil. I'il. Mil. :-iT I'll. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. 13 c 4 0.7 18 .3 17.5 17.2' 10.9 IS....

Datei:Report of the ... Southern Pasture and Forage Crop Improvement Conference (IA SER72909393012).pdf

for 1/2 day - experience in animal adjustment is necessary. Tayl or; H ogg 1 What data are derived from the animals? g The animal is used only as...

Datei:Modern economic history with special reference to Australia (IA moderneconomichi00heat).pdf

weight from 28 lb. to 80 lb., and their fleeces from 3 lb. to 12 lb.; the weight of the average co.v was raised from 370 lb. to 800 lb., and most of this...

Datei:The Paper Trade Journal 1873-01-01- Vol 1 Iss 15 (IA sim paper-trade-journal 1873-01-01 1 15).pdf

yet seen or known a) that port. ’ ; gee pe cake Bt. iL a o oes « ogg . J Monday, oo think it meets SCRIBNER'S table of contents for January...