English Motion of Donald J. Trump regarding Texas v. Pennsylvania applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method: work of the federal...
English Colorado Supreme Court ruling Donald Trump ineligible to appear on presidential primary ballot subject has role: dissenting opinion subject has...
English applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method: work of the federal government of the United States...
DescriptionKing v. Whitmer (20-13134) (2020) Opinion and Order.pdf The opinion and order of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan...
English applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method: work of the federal government of the United States determination method: SHA-1...
DescriptionGohmert v. Pence (6 20-cv-660-JDK) (2021) Order.pdf The order of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, in Louie Gohmert...
2019-06-24 applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method: work of the federal government of the United States determination method: SHA-1...
2019-06-28 applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method: work of the federal government of the United States determination method: SHA-1...