DescriptionNN 07-08-2020 12.jpg Русский: Мемориал «Горьковчане — фронту» English: Memorial "Gorky to the front" Date 7 August 2020, 01:26:28 Source Own...
before and after · TOC4 and higher: Arial 11 or 12 pt.; regular; indented .n”; hanging .nn”; tabs: left .nn” and right 6.49”; 2 pt. spacing before and after...
DescriptionNN 07-08-2020 36.jpg Русский: Кладовая башня Нижегородского кремля English: Kladovaya (Storage) tower of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin Date 7...
DescriptionNN 07-08-2020 25.jpg Русский: Бывший кремлёвский фуникулёр (элеватор) English: Former Kremlin funicular (elevator) Date 7 August 2020, 02:12:37 Source...
DescriptionNN 07-08-2020 11.jpg Русский: Мемориал «Горьковчане — фронту» English: Memorial "Gorky to the front" Date 7 August 2020, 01:26:16 Source Own...
DescriptionNN 07-08-2020 10.jpg Русский: Площадь Минина и Пожарского English: Minin and Pozharsky Square Français : Place de Minine et Pojarski Español:...
DescriptionNN 07-08-2020 14.jpg Русский: Мемориал «Горьковчане — фронту» English: Memorial "Gorky to the front" Date 7 August 2020, 01:34:20 Source Own...
170mNN I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution...
169mNN I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution...
412mNN I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution...