DescriptionOld House-Chinese Temple bw.jpg English: An early and historic house located in the Chinese Temple and Museum complex, Oroville, California...
Valifefeie i. eerreet. naBw-rnu-rT-inu* nt iiu Tf ifii jssik-kt-eper of the old War l-lagle comtlit-n>,raumioiU'tNl t« Bw* keeper | RobbMI tlukk be...
Johnstone, bf the 150 Mile House. Mr. Johnstone was a resident fur very many years in Oariboo and was well known to all old Mr*. J. B Ilobson, who has...
Edition limited to five hundred copies Preface signed: William M. Laffan "Chinese bibliography in relation to the ceramic art": pages 320-332 Library has...